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Everything posted by bozodos

  1. Jeza Uepa is a f**king good powerlifter though
  2. I also found 15-20 rep squats @ the 80-100% bodyweight mark to be a real mental and physical challenge, glad I don't do them regularly any more!
  3. I can squat 200kg+ and my abs were sore for days after using it all the way to the floor from the knees lol. Yeah I was doing the captains chair leg raises, but current assistance template has the ab wheel in there specifically, as well as the PL gym not having a captain's chair!
  4. just rollouts - needed an ab assistance and can't do hanging leg raises, and don't like situps, so it's worked out quite well so far.
  5. I can't believe how effective they are tbh
  6. tried sumo deadlift today, felt good man. Also started the powerlifting version of 5/3/1, been interesting having DOMS again from the different assistance work; the ab wheel is the devil!
  7. my workmates are playing these two songs at LEAST 3 times a day at the moment, so they're both stuck in my head
  8. experienced powerlifters tell me that once you're intermediate / advanced, use one for anything >75% 1RM
  9. a magpie swooped me out the front of my house yesterday, this morning I found it dead in front of the letterbox... +1 for the weed and feed Terry; clover is going crazy!
  10. I have to say, I'm surprised at how many comps are on, in PA at least! Speaking of which, our club is having one in Swan Hill in a few weeks time if anyone is around there; I won't be going though.
  11. i take 5g a day on training days, tend to notice more soreness day to day when not taking it.
  12. trying to get to around 110, currently at 122. Don't like having the gut still, and would rather compete in a lighter class than being super fat. Can't really see myself getting any smaller or lighter tbh.
  13. squatted 200x3 out of stands yesterday, not my heaviest ever, but felt good given that it was all to depth, no wraps, sleeves or belt. Gonna give sumo deadlift a go next cycle too, as it would appear to suit my build better. Still liking 5/3/1 BBB, but will likely change to 3/5/1 BBB for when I start competing next year. Next challenge is to sign up at the Mrs' gym and show her to do the 4 main lifts, since her PT seemed to do everything but that.
  14. Still remember when this album came out - one of my favourite from CC.
  15. T Nation have been shat on before for their BS marketing claims on their supplements. It's unfortunate because they have some legit authors with good articles, but then post idiots who write the polar opposite and all of the product placement stuff really detracts from the website.
  16. well you've got them now so might as well use them - it is amusing how much their articles shill them though.
  17. been reading too many T Nation articles? lol
  18. I started training a couple of days a week at the local PL club, and having to train without a mirror is the best thing I've done in a while. I actually found it hard deadlifting at the commercial gym staring at myself. That and using crappy liquid chalk and bars with no knurling; it's now ruined for me lol.
  19. the reason a lot of mental illness isn't taken seriously these days, is because of self diagnosing attention seekers (which in itself may be BPD but not actually just attention seeking since it's one of the main symptoms)... It's like parents who try to diagnose their kids as Aspergers (high functioning ASD according to DSM-V) because they are anti social shitheads. On the other hand, I have people try and tell me that anti depressants are a load of shit, muh big pharma etc, which is absolute crap, given how many people that I've seen go on Diazepam and how it improves their personality and quality of life etc.
  20. I thought this started on the US based fitness forums, as over there most of their tuna is of the larger Albacore variety, whereas most of ours here is the smaller Skipjack, and therefore further down the food chain.
  21. anything I'd eat at home really. Protein shakes, tuna, whatever meals i've brought in that I've cooked and frozen myself
  22. curls for elbow health Tolga. Deloaded on both squat and deadlift due to pushing shit uphill last cycle (and suspecting myself of squatting too high so forcing it lower). Feels good after deload. Liking 5/3/1 BBB simply for the fact that less exercises means it's easier to go at a higher intensity and be in and out of the gym in an hour or under with a high amount of intensity in the volume sets. STILL haven't managed to get my arse into gear and head down to the PL club to get a form check though. Yeah I ONLY buy WPI for the taste. Starting to try and cut down a bit on the food, as the mrs told me my gut has started to expand again.
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