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Everything posted by ITZTRU

  1. Nevermind I think I got what I need...
  2. Hey all...I'm wanting to get the centres of my rims powder coated...has anyone removed the centres or tell me what i need by looking at the pics, to remove the centre? I couldn't get a clear pic of the actual bolt that i need removed, especially because its with a phone camera but hopefully it'll be enough to make out... ...is it just a matter of simply removing the bolts, which will then enable it to just fall out? The bolts are held together with a simple nut, but dont know what to use to hold the bolt in place... thanks in advance Justin
  3. 750, what the hell... gettin me done for 150, spoiler already removed
  4. i too, believe its the same
  5. Might be able to come down if I get back from the city early enough!
  6. Haha....wow! Well I guess that just about covers it!!
  7. "proud to be an american..." haha dunno what there was to be proud of... but yes, still woulda had fun!
  8. I'd imagine that it'd be fairly difficult to mount gauges on the A pillar without impairing vision, even if just a little...
  9. ^^^ Apex'i don't skimp out on parts, spend the money and get good quality parts the first time and not have to worry about replacing them as often as china send them down for people to ruin their cars on... there's already a recent thread on someone buying ebay crap for cheap and being disappointed... just be wary...
  10. doesn't sound like you're gonna get any kind of definitive answer, so it looks like you'll have to make up your own mind! but if it were me, i'd go TE37, with the right offset so suit
  11. I don't mean any disrespect or anything...so please don't take this the wrong way... but there have been people who have recently bought items, rims, bonnets etc and THEN posted up and asked whether or not they would look the goods...? *shrugs* but to answer your question, I always thought carbon on white looked the best... no pics on a skyline, though...sorry...got some of my old prelude tho, if you like?
  12. All done for ya mate, voted many times for ya! Good luck and keep us posted!
  13. yeah most autobarn's that stock the high performance parts should have it
  14. Moron. No Sh*t. At least in the winter, you don't have to keep takin your hand off the gear knob sayin "ow, ow, ow..."
  15. nope... didn't like the 350Z convertible so i knew i wouldn't like the GTR version either...
  16. must be hard to change gears in the summer time!
  17. Yeah i knew someone who worked here...seemed to be the only dealer I knew of who could bring in JDM stuff for the S15 (or maybe i just didn't look hard enough ) ...if they end up being one of two dealerships to stock the GTR then it might be a place for me to start lookin for hard to find nismo apparel!
  18. Stripper??? No, no, no... My friends...there were THREE of them... and they weren't stripping... They were naked the ENTIRE 5 hours we had them there for, walking, talking, serving us drinks and bbq...we only wanted the coldest beer from the bottom of the barrels oh...and of course, playing guitar hero. apparently jumping up and down while playing scores extra points...or at least thats what we told them private lap dances cost extra...but why bother? Haha...
  19. Wow. Don't I feel like a dick. Sorry to hear about your loss mate. I don't know why you're apologizing, absolutly no need! Again, so sorry to hear. Justin
  20. ...so it's the weekend now. Where are the pics huh???
  21. ...maybe. If it didn't look so warped and looked like it was made of paper...
  22. ^^^^ any excuse for Hamish to be able to post pics of his car for everyone to admire hahaha but yeah work nuts for sure! It's not the carport that i recognised... it's that flimsy boot lip and exhaust shroud combo that he has goin
  23. I'm actually really...REALLY liking the look of that car...looks awesome!
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