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Everything posted by ITZTRU

  1. i got one for 200 if u want, HKS split dump for RB25 off an R34, i'm almost sure that it would suit 33 but not 100% can anyone confirm?


    Sweet as!! Kebab group buy FTW!!!
  3. if you're excepting opinions, then...go all black
  4. only thing i don't like about the ganador mirrors (which i only just found out recently) ...are they aren't actual carbon, but rather, carbon LOOK. Now that i know, i'm just gonna buy unpainted ganador mirrors and paint them black to go with the panda theme i'm goin for with my white 34. it's a shame u bought them brand new, otherwise i would have also suggested that u paint over them in black...
  5. i think Thuy from j-imports.com.au still has a few sets of professors in black...?
  6. yeah i can't beleive you had that much trouble either man...god knows, i'm not the most competant when it comes to mechanics either...but it sure didn't take us that long...the time it took you to install ur system was about as long as it took for me to do my intercooler on my own...but oh well, you got it done, that's the main thing


    Yeah, ended up on Haci's a few times, when hangin out with mates up on that end... Lamb on Chapel is still a fav tho... which is the one on Springvale junction? U talkin about the one a bit further up from the actual junction itself?
  8. Sounds awesome! Rain dampened my efforts (no pun intended) to meet and talk to people during the east/west meet...i'm in! Justin
  9. I've never really been on NS.com... so dare i ask: What makes them so bad?
  10. How random! My missus was just talking to me about where she could sell this ring that some guy bought for her...not even an ex. She went to get the ring appraised... ...wow. No where NEAR how much i expected it to be! She could just about buy me my new turbo kit! hahaha! I'll point her to this website now
  11. What the hell? Why couldn't the dickhead just have moved for you in the first place, rather than seeing if you could have gotten out first? Woulda saved you both a whole lot of hassle? *shrugs*
  12. Yeah seems many people have been having problems and there have been a few threads about JSAI. It just seems to be a bit of a delay problem...he seems pretty busy and as far as i know, is only running a two man team...just give it time... ...maybe try to do a bit of research before buying from stores online. If you don't like the idea of waiting (which isn't unusual in our field of interest) - then save urself the worry and stress of sending large amounts of money and not hearing from the company for weeks at a time... ...having said all that...i hear that Josh from JSAI is trying his best to catch up with everyone and i havent heard of anyone actually being dodged yet...(again, i haven't actually dealt with him myself...i'm just passing on everyone elses experiences that i've read)
  13. Really? Where did you get it? Got any pics?
  14. Price drop $500, full kit - front, sides and rear...
  15. That looks awesome!!! Great job!! But ahhh...did you say "$40,000,000" deposit?!?!?!
  16. My EXACT first thought when i saw these..."they look IMPOSSIBLE to clean!"
  17. Yes please! I love guinea cops..."gtstcoupe" (Lee) is my first pet for taking a gamble on ordering his Power FC from the states... you can be my second pet!
  18. sounds like an awesome idea! I don't hav an answer for you, but rather...another question... how do the two wheels compare in size? Do you happen to know at all?
  19. Here you go...pic of the kit...so i guess it comes with it! So when you go out to buy the 2835 kit for the heat shield, i'll be first in line to buy your GT-RS!
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