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Everything posted by krawler

  1. Is it that one? Cant really tell if it has APC stickers anywhere. Glad we solved the mystery of the 8.07 second phantom skyline... It was actually markr34gtr's 9.77 second skyline
  2. My brain feels funny trying to understand these things.
  3. What Win32 systems are they comparing to these linux boxes? I went hunting on the website they link to, but got lost in crap I didnt care about and then ran out of patience and interest. If said Win32 systems were unpatched Win95, Win98FE, Win 3.11 and NT4, then of course its gonna get pwned. Winblows was never designed with the levels of network connectivity that we see today, so its no wonder the original releases had such dramas. *nix has been network orientated from the start, so you'd hope they'd have some sort of default security in place. I'd like to see any patched version of Windows put out there, against patched *nix. That, to me, would be a far more accurate test in terms of real world results. Who the hell runs a default Win98FE install anymore? Well, except Nismoboy up there ^^ The fact is the default *nix security is pretty lax. Pretty much every dist runs lots of services from a default install, although this trend is changing (as outlined in the article) toward fewer and fewer default services. A default windows box has pretty much no services running. You dont install XP and have a web server, ftp server, daytime, finger, telnet, ssh, etc etc all running. You get XP and a few open ports for ridiculous inventions like MSN (worst. program. ever. DIE DIE DIE) and uPnP (aka Tea And Biccie Welcome Commity For Hax0rs). A few patches later and most threats are gone, although you'll never fully protect against clueless losers who accept "fun.exe" over MSN and happily install ActiveX controls marked "W1ndow5 Update" from porn sites. Oh and click on "www.freehost.com/~randomname/thisisfunny.pif" ... And click on a button marked "Click here for free porn!" yet when you hover it shows that it links to "www.hax0r.com/l33t/win32/pwn_me.cab" Moral of story: Win32s main problem is (1) Its the biggest share of the market, thus there is more to be gained from exploiting it and (2) Its users are a bunch of clueless chumps.
  4. What an incredibly well thought out post. The standards of grammar, spelling and the overall literacy skills of this country never ceases to amaze.
  5. Now thats a reason I can understand. Still a bit miffed as to how we can move a similiar amount of traffic on two XP boxes without a drama. Ever.
  6. Thats me on the left, strutto in the middle and some creepy guy who kept touching me in the pants on the right.
  7. 9.7, or even 9.2, is a far cry from 8.07 ....
  8. y hullo thur old thread
  9. The difference is that if the said "sports car" is being driven normally, it in no way impacts on other drivers. A "sports car" is the same size as a "normal" car at worst. The chasis is built for handling, the brakes are made for stopping quickly, the cars are (on a whole) better maintained, the drivers are (on the whole) more interested in driving than Joe Average who sees it as getting from A to B and the fact they are faster is often a bonus, the ability to accelerate away from a potential problem is another option you can choose to take in a crisis. Fuel / pollution I agree with, a "sports car" uses more fuel than a "normal" car. But given the correct tune, which most of us have, this is only a problem at WOT. At any other stage there is no more pollution than a "normal" car, and certainly no more than a heavy 4x4.
  10. Are you new to computers? 1 x hardwire firewall/router 1 x XP install with personal firewall running and all non-essential services blocked (remember, DENY all and allow each port individually!) 1 x MS Anti Spyware No problems. Just use common sense. "Britneynaked.jpg..................pif" is still a pif. "Click here for free porn" is never free porn. Accepting files from people you dont know is stupid. Running an FTP/HTTP on common ports is asking to be pwned. Using MSN is asking to be pwned. Using IE in anything other than "Restriced Zones" is asking to be pwned. Etc. For the casual hax0r, a loonix box with a default install is easier to hop into than a windows box Hello plenty of installed services that are all open and left with default settings! I'm interested to know how linux "outpowers" windows too, is this a tractor pulling contest? X Windows is slow and clunky and needs a 3Ghz machine to run anything more hardcore than KDE.
  11. The HKS drag car only does a 7.9 doesnt it? Hard to believe a local car suddenly appears out of the dark, runs an 8.07, then dissapears mysteriously. Very ghost who walks / phantom comics / spawn / spiderman type of gear.
  12. Timeslip or lying. 8.07 would be the fastest street registered skyrice in the WORLD.
  13. If you aint dos 5 + dosshell, you aint shit.
  14. These are reasonings I can understand and appreciate, and you being you, I'm not surprised they were part of it For most consumers resale isnt a high priority I wouldnt think, but once you start using vehicles for work and can afford to sell/buy every couple of years, resale is a big issue. Thats like Americans saying "its legal to buy guns and ammo, therefore there is no reason why I shouldnt buy guns and ammo"... Just because its legal doesnt make it right, so its not fair to pull that argument. Everyone has a responsibility toward the environment and other road users. If we all stuck to the letter of law, not the spirit of the law, we'd end up with frivalous law suits making the plantiffs millions, guilty criminals getting off scott-free because of minor technocalities(sp?), companies wraughting consumers and share holders of millions in 'golden handshake' payments before declaring bankruptcy.... Yep, thats what would happen... Err.... wait Thats not really the point that some people are making.... They (and myself included) are saying that while a 4x4 certainly does have a higher statistical chance of crashing due to its poor handling and high center of gravity, more to the point is that fact that crashes are much more likely to be fatalities or permanent injuries when a 4x4 is involved. People trying to justify their 4x4 purchase as being "safer" (which you are not I know) are deluding themselves. Passanger cars are far safer in accidents compared to 4x4s due to their crumple zones and non-rigid body (but a rigid passanger cell) absorbing the impact. Not to mention the low center of gravity prevents roll overs, and the fact they are typically almost 1 tonne lighter means there is less mass moving (and thus less energy) that requires absorbing. Dont take this as a pointed argument at YOU personally, you have valid reasons for buying a 4x4 and thats fine. Its more a social commentary and despair at the way current treads are heading. At the end of the day, if everyone is in a 4x4 for safety and the desire to actually use its 4x4 capabilities one day a year (in most cases in a situation where 2x4 would do anyway) we'll all be driving oversized land barges with poor handling and crap fuel economy, and when it comes to fatalities they will skyrocket. Sorry, I spend a lot of time on the road driving from sunny coast to gold coast and of course all of brisbane region (almost 35,000k a year in work time alone) and I see first hand the way various stereotypes act on our roads and the problems they cause. You may be the exception to the rules of this stereotype, but you are exactly that - an exception, not the rule. The valid reasons you might have for owning a 4x4 do not apply to every other 4x4 owner, so appreciate the argument against 4x4s for what it is, not a personal attack.
  15. cat /dev/rnd > /dev/snd I used linix for ages, though Debian (apt is the greatest loonix tool ever)... Might install it on my old box as a "**** around" server, but I'd never go back to using it as a desktop.. Way too involved and time consuming trying to get everything windows-based to work
  16. Sounds like a bit of creative storytelling on behalf of your mate.
  17. krawler

    slow down...

    I must live in a totally different world to everyone else... I very seldom have dickheads trying to race, and if someone does want a squirt I find that 9 times out of 10 they try once or twice and then leave when you ignore them. The other 1 times I race them I also dont get hassled by cops at all... I drive like a testical yet the only times I've ever been pulled over is when I was actually doing something wrong. Speed traps, every one. Damn them. Never been randomly pulled over for a breath test, and the one time Erin was they were polite and had a look at the tires (plenty of tread) and left us to it. How do we manage to avoid all this angst that apparently exists in the import scene? (or ar scene as a whole)... We go to all the places everyone rides around on their high horse about, proclaiming them to be full of hoons (Hello M1 Fun Club!), and generally drive like the twits most people on here complain about (yet 90% of the time are one themselves, hello hypocricy) in cars that are just as unroadworthy as everyone else with any modificiations... Oh well one day I'm sure I'll get done up the bum by all these coppers everyone else has found, and I'll walk like a cowboy for a week or two and then take my number to line up in the queue for whinging on teh intarweb.
  18. krawler

    slow down...

    Really? I thought he raised some valid points and made them in a very mature manner... something thats sorely lacking on this forum as a whole :S Always nice to see a post thats had some thought put into it, so I'm happy to see (and read) SilverR33s posts that are appearing.
  19. Specific question to Cam here.... Why do you have a 4x4? What does it do that another car cant do in your specific occupation and needs? Not trying to have a go at you specifically, but I'm interested in your reasoning. So many people try to justify their 4x4 ownership with repsonses like "safety" (which its been proven time and time again it isnt), "space" (which compared to a falcon or commodore wagon, the 4x4s tend to have LESS space) or "4x4 ability" (yet they use it MAYBE once a year to hit straddie which any 2x4 car can do anyway).... I drive a lot on the gateway and I can say without hyperbole that 4x4s are the worst of any demographic for right hand lane hogging, pushing into queues... basically anything that would be considered "bully boy" tactics. Why is it that as soon as someone hops in there 4x4 they feel that social skills like courtesy and consideration of others can be thrown out the window? Its ok, I amuse myself by not being bullied. Work vans are so great, you dont care what happens to it. Whereas the 4x4 owner in his $80,000 street-driven, gold-plated-badges and mud-tires-that-last-5,000k-on-the-street 4x4 sure does
  20. I'll give another vote for Matty Spry at PITS. He's good, and damn reasonable too. I was only charged for 2 hours of tuning (at a discounted rate anyway) when he'd spent over 6 hours on it without being able to get a good result power wise. Turns out another company had buggered something up, so it wasnt even his fault but he still only charged for a very reasonable price. Put it this way, I opened my wallet and pulled out money to pay 4 times what he ended up charging... I was pretty chuffed Also the reason PowerFC is more popular than Wolf3Dv4 is that PowerFC is much better at copying the stock ECU for things like idle-up with A/C and headlights, climate control unit, etc. Wolf has better options for things like outputs and inputs of various devices, including (I believe) MAP sensors. PowerFC makes another version (Called the PowerFC Pro or something?) which is just a PowerFC with the ability to run a MAP sensor instead of the MAF sensor.
  21. Theres an awful lot of moral outrage and high-horsing going on around here, especially considering the things I see the majority of SAU peeps do themselves. No hypocricy from me, I'd be doing a runner too. ESPECIALLY if it was my 3rd warning and I was about to lose my car. I've whinged from the start that having a "3rd strike, youre out" rule was going to result in car chases. Of two people who have had their car taken from them, they both tried running. In a way, its kind of a pity there wasnt some sort of more serious outcome (although obviously not death or permanent injury) to give a wake-up call that taking someones pride and joy _IS_ going to result in desperate measures being taken. I drive like a testical, and I'll be happy to be reamed in the bum if I ever get caught. But theres a big difference between losing your license, and losing your material goods. I'd like to see some peoples reactions to being caught for a 3rd time, especially in that first moment of panic the red and blue lights start flashing.
  22. I dont think I'd ever trust my cars wellbeing to something as simple as a single switch for the battery (not to mention the electronic parts that will shat having no constant power feed to maintain settings).... 3 stage immobilisation is much better, especially when coupled with QuickTrack or similiar in case they use a tilt tray. Internal siren is a good idea, but I've yet to see one that is loud enough to actually stop you fiddling in there. I've been in a car with apparently "THE LOUDEST LEGALLY AVAILABLE SIREN!!!" advertised on the packet... I was in there long enough to pinch it. I would have disconnected the siren too, cept the owner was next to me and I doubt he would have appreciated me doing that Get an ultrasonic sensor if you want the coolness of a warning chirp when someone goes near the car. It has 2 fields, an interior and exterior field. If someone triggers the exterior field it chirps and alarm, but if they trigger the interior field the alarm goes off. And get a pager too, so if you are out of hearing distance of the alarm you still get a notification.
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