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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. BOOM! lol "Even among volunteers who had excess tummy fat" phew!... I'll keep squatting then... and eating hamburgers
  2. I meant real coffee... instant coffee is can you take casual shoes and go for a walk on your lunch break? Birds: no need to set yourself goals 'before you compete'... you'll probably find you get a PR at a comp anyway with the adrenalin and good equipment... and its great motivation for training... I'd just rock up to one of the novice comps and have a lift
  3. this is the plan... I really need to get my arse into gear and start a program
  4. I do this too... I try to find a happy medium between too much coffee or too much food... the coffee route is tempting but too much makes me agitated and not able to deal with stress well... and I'm not as lean as I'd like to be so I try not to snack too much... I do both more when bored as well now when I'm feeling low on energy I go for a walk instead of doing either of the above two... nothing strenuous, a 30-40min stroll.... I refuse to call it exercise or wear 'gym' clothes to do it though... I find sitting at a desk makes me tired... the walk wakes me up days when I have a big training session are fine... I can drink a bit more coffee and have a small snack and then train really hard... this deals with any agitation from the coffee and the snack is good fuel (banana or nuts etc) a couple of coffees a day is good for you... high in antioxidents... just don't add sugar and your golden... long macchiato, nectar of the gods
  5. internet needs a sarcasm font almost hard to believe its the same chick in the above post
  6. I was being sarcastic... having a dig at the 'functional strength' crowd who always go on about muscle slowing you down
  7. I was about 86kg when I did that... was sick of my training partner whinging he had trouble doing pull ups because he was heavy (115kg)... so I strapped on 30kg and did one more rep than he did hehe wide grip, overhand... I find them a lot more effective than the narrow grip underhand chin up... nice wide grip, chest up to the bar... brings in more back and less arms IMO I don't do them weighted much anymore though... have backed off on pull ups and just throwing in a few sets here and there... trying to get my pressing strength up so focusing more on that at the moment Birds: so true mate... if you want to set PRs you have to eat... pre powerlifting meet diet is lots of simple carbs, sugar, salt, water (unless your trying to make weight)... want to have as much water and energy stored in your muscles as possible... I also ate a huge amount of food all through the day... peanut butter sandwiches, bananas, nuts, sugary treats etc
  8. geez all that muscle must really slow him down...
  9. good work! if your rowing and cleaning those numbers you'll probably find a lot more in your deadlift weighted chin ups are no joke! my best is 5 x +30kg strong on the shoulder press too
  10. Uncle Toby's is owned by Nestle and they put a heap of crap in everything I know some are anti milk and some pro milk but Parmalat Pure Organic unhomogenized full cream milk is fckn spectacular... the skim milk version is pretty good too
  11. amphetamines aren't talked about much but a lot of guys who are single digit body fat are using ephedrine, speed, dexamphetamine, ritalin, whatever they can get their hands on they have a double effect of supercharging your metabolism whilst reducing your appetite... not to mention making you train like a demon... they have been used in bodybuilding since the golden era in the US you can get a doctor to prescribe diet pills... which are basically speed, then a sleeping tablet to knock you out at night time you'd have to be stupidly vain... and if your interested in health I wouldn't touch the stuff for obvious reasons... you might have a heart attack and die would be right up there on the list lol Troy: progress ain't linear mate... you have peaks and valleys but as long as you see it as a long term goal then you'll be right... I'm a bit the same at the moment but it's just this time of year... I had lots of fun and now I have to pay for it... by not being able to walk for two days after my first session back... seriously I had to roll off the couch and almost crawl to bed the other night it was that bad lol
  12. just like everything involved with lifting I'm sure it's painful, uncomfortable and will leave a bruise or make me bleed belt is interesting... helps stop me getting bent in half while squatting... although its pretty uncomfortable... only been using it for the heavier sets 140kg+ haven't deadlifted with it yet
  13. this is a far too common opinion... people fail to realise if you strengthen the muscles that run either side of your spine (the ones that protect it) your chance of injuring your back are massively reduced... people that hurt their back tying their shoes or getting out of bed did so due to years of sitting and inactivity... it wasn't the act of lifting incorrectly it was due to the fact your back muscles are non-existant and therefore your spine is completely unprotected people used to lift and carry all the time... we're built for it... cars, chairs etc have ruined us... just look around, we have to be the worst examples of human beings in the history of evolution the amount of fatties at the beach this summer was a disgrace... dressed head to toe as god forbid some sun touches their flabby pale bodies... then they probably get told by doctors to take vitamin D supps
  14. TTT: knee wraps are sitting on my floor, will have to go down to PTC to learn how to use them... I'm planning on training for states at PTC but haven't been down there yet this year... next week... I'm sore just thinking about it lol I should actually set out a program and do it, instead of making it up as I go along... I might just run PPP looks like your back is on the mend? that's some solid lifting
  15. so my Mrs bought me an Inzer lever belt, Tshirt and knee wraps for Christmas... Thanks to Markos! lol squatted with the belt once before I left for Vic Harbour with a bunch of mates for 2 weeks of sun, beer, food, beer, sand and... beer got back yesterday, hit the gym today... oh dear.. one week off is great every few months... two weeks off? not so much
  16. lol... I love giving tall guys shit for being unco!
  17. yeah but if he's 110kg with 10% bodyfat I'm assuming he's already built a solid strength foundation... so the article not really aimed at him... my mate has never picked up a weight in his life... has the moobs to prove it lol plus if he was training like a bodybuilder, he may have a lot of mass but not be particularly strong for his bodyweight... I see a heap of jacked guys who can't do pullups just like cars its about power to weight ratio... of course there's diminishing returns when adding muscle mass, but you can never be too strong
  18. no bruising but I have a callous in the middle of my back from the centre knurling on the bar... I've stopped squatting in a singlet, make sure I've got a T shirt on... I don't really want a permanent mark there plenty of bruising/scabs on my shins though... need to invest in some long footy socks
  19. I have nothing really to compare against... I used to lift in basketball shoes lol but for what its worth I think they're great... I don't think they allow you to lift more... maybe help to go a touch deeper... they're just more stable, give you greater confidence, better feel plus they have sparkly bits on them
  20. I used to have bad tendonitis in my left elbow... but I ignored it and it eventually went away... I'm hoping the same happens with my knee... in other words I'm treating the pain like a man... pretending it doesn't exist and hoping it goes away on it's own... like how most guys end relationships
  21. I foam roll them, it helps... but 10 years of sitting at a desk all day has taken a toll bought some Do Wins olympic lifting shoes a few months ago... they're great, love them TTT: 10 minute squat test... NEVER AGAIN lol
  22. yeah I agree Birds deadlifts are from the ground... every rep... no bouncing you can do RDL (straight leg deadlifts) without touching the ground but these are done with a much lighter weight and super strict form... hips back, scapula back and down, slight knee bend, run the bar down your thighs/shins, feel the tightness in your hams and glutes... no back rounding
  23. yeah I've reset my squat numerous times... starting out light, getting deeper each time... my mobility is poor so getting to proper depth has been a long process pausing at the bottom for a few seconds helps stretch everything out pretty good now, just knees acting up a bit... probably just a bit of tendonitis... okay once warm the wider your stance/the more you sit back the less flexion in your knee to get to depth... the more your knee travels forward over your toes the more knee flexion... I probably squat a bit narrow and don't sit back enough which is putting pressure on my knees... oh well, just a bit of discomfort... nothing opening a can of harden the fck up can't beat;)
  24. +1 to right medial knee pain yep read all the research too but my knees only started hurting when I began squatting to proper depth... never bothered me at all before... I think it's due to having super tight hip flexors/quads so when you get a decent amount of knee flexion the quad is pulling on the knee joint... but that's just my own bro science at work hurts when its cold but once warm is okay... I keep meaning to buy some knee sleeves to train in... the first couple of warm up sets are always fairly uncomfortable playing basketball doesn't bother my knees at all
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