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Everything posted by Stirlo_GTR

  1. Thanks, only the wing IS going back on just wasn't painted yet. is on now tho.
  2. ??? Hey Sinister... I'm Down here !!! hehehehe
  3. hmmm happy to o work for mates but th yellow is kinda my trade mark the finih is easy to get, its just a matter of choosing a color and getting the same color pearl. I chose Fly Yellow and put on a yellow pearl. I saw it on a WRX in england and thought it looked horn. Wanted to do it on the old legacy, but never got around to it. I recon just a red pear over your red would come up cool too.
  4. Well I painted it my self, so only matterials....
  5. Veilside R33, That was alittle buit of fun on the way to work, I normally turn off but wanted a little play Thanks for the coment on the paint I am much happier this time, what did it look like while moving, can you tell it has teh pearl on it or do it just look yellow. Your car look tough as comming up from behind! nice....
  6. Chisholm is on my way to anywhere, livig in gilmore, which is good so its my crib too. and I think I am gunna stick with it for a while and see.
  7. everything looks better with CF Bonnet!
  8. Any one else hate this sign!!! "Sorry we have no Optimax" at three different shell servo's, Thats ok its not inconvienient at all. ^%# ..... &^(* .......... #&(* ....... #^*& ....... %*&% .... #*&^ .... heads.
  9. Terminal, Thanks its not buffed yet again, cause that process sux and it already looks a million times better, plus the gold pearl looks awsome in some light, but it is very deceptive given its basically yellow pearl on yellow. But I think it works should look good when its finished.
  10. and its not yellow or gold, its giallo ....
  11. yeah just heaps of elbo grease to go.. :9
  12. Spotted my car looking different .... again.... only a fair bit better this time..
  13. Hey Godzillr sorry I missed u, I was still playing with my car, and its still in an undrivable state, you should pop round and show me the new beast!
  14. And if he came off and hit a passer by killing them. even worse if it was a young girl with a baby,and you kill them.. its not so funny then. Tell him he's a **** wit, kick him, you learn from the experiance and tell the cops. Mistakes happen, but trying to do things like that on publis street deserves a bashing. If I had seen that, I would have got out, made sure he was alive, and beat him.... Canberra roads are bad when it rains cause its so oily, a mate of mine near killed himself, driving in a straight line in that really heavy rain we had a few weeks back... RX7 went to over take, no LSD, started going out, turn 'd around was hit by another car and came off into a light pole, the pole came down and landed on a WRX (violin sound, boo hoo), the RX7 had turned upside down on impact. It was on the news and all, moral of this story, the roads are dangerous and deadly when its raining like that, tell your kiddie mates I dont want to die and I dont want my family to die. Use your head there is a time and a place for everything. You want to be a "drifter" do it at the track like the guys who actually know what they are doing. I am all for giving it a hit as those who know me will know, but once again, time and place. Its all about how quickly you learn, everyone is a bit silly when new to driving, but dont put others at risk. I am glade to see that the people on this board (in the canberra section) have some sence, but we need to be the role model's for the little ones. Hope fully one day people will see a skyline and say hey nice car, not wanna drag, or dick head, or anything abusive because of the bad rap they have got in the past from foolish drivers. Prove your "talent" at the track where people might appreciate it and you, people are not impressed when you scare the shit out of them by nearly hitting them. Sorry for the downer people, I know Commonwhores are worse but lets help people see that! and what dick heads they are !!! Cheers Guys Drive Safe!
  15. Well we could do it again this friday night, and try make it an "annual/annuel/anal" (whatever) event! its a nice chance to wind down after the week, and nice to talk/hang with nice folks! However my baby wont be out this friday as it will be stripped again, take 2....
  16. HEHE, then you did see me but it was Nugget your thinking of. The Yellow GTS you refer to is actually my GTR. and yes dont worry guys the finish will be better this time, and slightly different... cheers.
  17. was a great night thanks to all thos who made the trip out. Great to meet thos I didn't know, and yes sinister.... yes... cheers guys!
  18. looks like we'll have quite a turn out. dont worry about the rain it'll f/off in time, plus its makes for an entertaining evening. so dont forget: 8:30-9:00 pm tonight at the funny looking, thingy place (museum)
  19. Dont mean to be a mean/rude or anything, just take a bit of care with your comments.
  20. Indeed keep the chin up, bit dissapointed in some views and things said in here tho, guys I dont think your G/f would like some of the things you have posted here and given its a public forum, maybe not a good idea. I am a dad to a beautiful little baby Girl and wouldn't have it anyother way, it wasn't planned but it happened. Sure not for everyone, but its not like you didn't know the risks or its not self inflicted, I would hope that if it does come back positive you would be the grown up and take the responcibility for your actions (that means doing the right thing and supporting her in her decition no matter what that be). weather it be positive/negative or aborted its something that your partner will require alot of support and care, I would hope that anyone I am friends with would have that sence and respect for thier partners. Canberra is a small place dont forget that! and I am sure she wouldn't like your comments on the subject anyways, I am sure your just venting, just be carefull as people may take offence.
  21. All lines are welcome... exceptions can be made
  22. its not that much loader, hear mine at some point if you like, although I do have a bigger, better, beefier engine
  23. Hey Leech get the resonator cut out, its too quite with it (mine passed rego with it, you know that wont do) plus its pretty restrictive.
  24. yes more the merrier just get someones number and give us a call as we will prolly have moved or be cruising....
  25. lets make it the museum (what ever) at 8:30-9:00 pm, Friday!
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