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I was driving down Panalatinga RD (down south) for those who don't know its a two lane road that is straight and long. the limit down there is 80km I was following a hilux doing 70. I pulled over at the red light and came along side him when I drove off he pulled in behind me and followed me rather close, i couldn't see his number plate he was so close. I put my foot down and went slightly over the limit to try and make some space he followed me up to 90 and when I changed lanes, also when I pulled into a side street. I finally pulled into some private property (i don't know whos) and he finally went off.

I don't know what his problem was, I went around him for going under the limit just to have him drive dangerously close to me. Never had anything like that happen to me in my old car.

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could it be possible that you may've irritated him when you were driving behind him to begin with. some of my friends can be irritated by other motorists because of things like this but half of the time, they were the ones who mildly tailgated them to begin with. you'd be surprised what other peoples definitions of tailgating can be. sometimes it only counts as tailgating when someone else is doing it to them.

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me and HR-32 live just off panalatinga rd :D in woodcroft area!

should of just let your foot off the accelarator and rolled slowing down.. if he persisted back into second could of smoke gone!

some people are idiots. i hate it when im coming home from work down that road and people do like 60 -70 holding up traffic.

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if ppl tailgate me..I slam on my brakes~~

if police ask ..I'll go...I saw a cat run across the road....then other driver got to pay for my damages...lallalala

doen that twice but no accidents so far~~...only the guy at back horn me like crasy...lol

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i will slow down when people tailgating me, until the get mad and TRY to overtake me, i will overtake them when they TRY

the beauty of skyline is u can do this within the speed limit, and tell them who is the king of the road :P

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i will slow down when people tailgating me, until the get mad and TRY to overtake me, i will overtake them when they TRY

the beauty of skyline is u can do this within the speed limit, and tell them who is the king of the road ;)

i remember doing that back when i was driving my 120y, had a van driver go about 1 & 1/2 carlengths from me. then i slowed down to 45, he was in a rush, there was traffic, and so i gunned it just enough for him not to get in and overtake me. then he started following me at less than a meter :P . man it was dodgy. tapped the brakes a bit but cbf prangning it. van drivers are reputable for that kind of shit.
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yep, in the UK, I was taught that :

Do not stop for animals. If you cause an accident by trying to avoid animals (cats, birds etc) - then that accident is YOUR fault. Anyone hitting you, if you put the anchor's on, is NOT at fault.

IIRC this is also in the UK's Highway Code (The road rules book for L plater's)

This is in both the Police & Insurance Eyes.

Of course this is not taking into account for 6ft high Roo's, wombats, cows etc.

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me and HR-32 live just off panalatinga rd  :rolleyes: in woodcroft area!

should of just let your foot off the accelarator and rolled slowing down.. if he persisted back into second could of smoke gone!

I would have done that however it was last saturday in the rain and all my experience ( two months ) it doesn't have much grip when you put your foot down. Its good to see there are some members in the southern area.

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Im just off States Rd (next parrallel rd down), but yes the Expressway & Panalatinga rd have a history of crazy speeding drivers & mad tailgaters.

Tailgaters suck dog-ass, in my opinion. Remember, 3sec gap between you and car in front. Safety first.

On a side note, some off the 150+kmph crashes on Pan. rd have been impressive to say the least..... !!

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Where does the law say you shouldn't stop for animals? (references please) Where do they draw the line? Have the categorised every animal into a handy guide with a red X for "kill" and a green tick for "don't kill!".

Anyway, good luck mowing down stray cows and sheep... :)

Pretty much it's up to the person to stay a safe distance behind you for EXACTLY that reason, it could be anything, hell you might have a brake malfunction or tailshaft drop out, and come to a screaming halt.

But yeah if someone tailgates be close enough that I can't even see their bonnet, I've got a towbar (at ~ radiator height) for just that purpose. :) Worst was a wanker following me home, when I was sitting on 110km/h in a 110 zone and he was RIGHT up my arse, we went past probably 2 over taking zones (plus it was a clear road with over taking markings mostly anyway), and he refused to go past. When we came to an 80 zone i just locked the brakes up back to 80 and he decided to overtake, yay. :D

edit: also, it seems to be mainly old people who tailgate, probably tailgating is one of the most annoying things (personally).

Edited by platinum
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I live just of Panalatinga aswell, it is a bad stretch of road for tail gaters and people doing 60km/h. People are scared to do 80 for some reason especially since there is a red light/speed camera at the Pimpala /Panalatinga intersection.

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humm so if we saw a cat running across the sreet..we should just ramn it...

if I do an emergency break cops will bring to court

if I didn't break..the RSPCA going to hunt me down...huumm..

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Its just how it is.......

Now, if its a LARGE animal (human, cow, deer, kangaroo) you've obviosuly got to protect your own safety & aim to miss the animal.

Common sense, really. Although Im not too sure about native animals........... ???

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