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Tversity Media Server


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Here's a cool utility I've been testing for a couple of weeks. It's called TVersity Media Server and it allows the user to stream audio/video/image media to ANY ethernet/wireless/WAP 2.0 equipped media player!

Everyone knows to stream video from a PC to your 360 the host PC must have MCE or Vista right ?

I have windoze 2000 and I can do the same plus stream any format video file to the 360 or PSP or WAP enabled Mobile phone etc with TVersity. It converts my XviD's or whatever I've got to WMV or MP4 on-the-fly seamlessly. pics, MP3's etc no problem. As long as your chosen drive has file sharing enabled TVersity will see it.

Not quite up there with XBMC but a huge leap away from Microshaft's 'proprietary stranglehold' on the 360's capabilities. Because it's a program that runs on the PC there are no legal issues with unsigned code etc.

Worth checking out if you don't have a media centre for your TV & want to watch your downloaded videos on the telly. Freeware too !!


Edited by BigDatto
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yeah, it's not bad, but it can be a bit and miss at the moment.. and so can the clarity unless you have the latest dual core PC. Seems to skip on occasion, and have to sit there watching nothing while it buffers every 5 minutes or so.

I still keep my old xbox1 with xbmc which never fails at anything, and will play anything, and it doesn't chew up the PC's processing either for doing other stuff.

I think it's got a while to go before I use tversity regularly over my old xbox setup. You still can't transfer the files to the 360 hard drive (not that 20gb would be any use), so your pc always has to be on if u want to watch movies. Sometimes that's a hassle.

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Yeah i still use my Xbox1 as well. Supposedly some hacker showed off booting a linux kernal on the 360 at a hackers conference i Germany the other day - check xbox-scene theres a video... but its up for specualtion if its real or not.... hope it is, would be nice to be able to play 720p etc material....

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Yeah i still use my Xbox1 as well. Supposedly some hacker showed off booting a linux kernal on the 360 at a hackers conference i Germany the other day - check xbox-scene theres a video... but its up for specualtion if its real or not.... hope it is, would be nice to be able to play 720p etc material....

he was using a graphics engine vulnerability in King Kong to display a couple of textures with the unix logo etc. But.... it still means that code of some sort can be run on the 360.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Here's a cool utility I've been testing for a couple of weeks. It's called TVersity Media Server and it allows the user to stream audio/video/image media to ANY ethernet/wireless/WAP 2.0 equipped media player!


I found the quality is very ordinary using TVersity but atleast its a step forward.

Your best bet is to encode your movies/tv episode etc to HD WMV and put them on DVD's, if you want to play them back through your XBOX360.

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