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Hey Dudes,

Just wonderin if anyone can help me my horn seems to have a mind of its own, it just goes off whenever it wants even if its parked in the garage with the keys no where near it!!!

Its an R33 GTS~t (95) with airbag



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A sticky horn relay maybe? Or dodgy horn button contacts? A wire earthed out somewhere? A bodgily-wired up alarm system? (assuming it's wired into the horn - most aren't)

A process of elimination is in order. I would start by testing the horn button, ie, test it with soft and hard presses to see if the horn button "feel" is consistent. If that's ok, then replace the relay. They're cheap enough to not bother testing, because you might test it for 5 minutes straight and all is fine, but in 2 days the fault might recur.

If those both check out and it still happens then you'll have to search for a ground somewhere in the circuit. This will be a bitch to do unless it's near the button, horn, or relay.

If these are all fine and your alarm isn't wired into the horn then sell the car, coz it's possessed!

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