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Worn suspension - How to tell

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The best way I have found is if you hit a decent sized bump, the steering wheel will shudder. It depends on the size or angle of the bump you hit (ie, it may not do it every time), but if the suspension is good the steering wheel will never shudder on any bumps.

You can also try bouncing the car, if it rebounds more than once then your shock absorbers are gone. But they can also be gone and still only rebound once. A suspension shop test is the best way to tell if you think it might be worn. They are usually free or very cheap.

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I noticed my shocks were gone while driving on a cruise in the Adelaide Hiills, and I noticed the car understeering majorly, and I lost confidence in it. Once I replaced all four shocks with brand new Bilsteins, the car, and I, were happy as Larry!

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G'day Hippy

Yeah like Jim said it could be wheel alignment.

It could also be tramlining. It is more prevalent when you run wider, lower profile tyres, more negative camber and tyres with stiff sidewalls like most good performance tyres.

If you find the wheel is pulling mostly on roads with longitudinal ruts then this is most likely the problem. If this is the case a good wheel alignment and maybe lowering your tyre pressures a little bit will definitely help but for performance cars this is a bit of a trade-off we have to accept.

Just something to keep in mind........



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Guest silver32t

so for a shockie package what are the better ones?? I got a r32gtst. Kings, monroe, pedders?? help me out peeps

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Basically the only companies that make a replacement shock for skylines are whiteline, bilstein and koni... pedders, monroe and the others don't have any i have checked already for my R33... i think KYB have some tho?

As for that suspension safety check i had that done by pedders, the full thing, and they assured me nothing was wrong as i was worried about a knock from the front left and they even did the drive on shocker test and came up fine, only to find that i got rid of the knock when i replaced the shock with another stock item off a mates care that was in good condition... whats the deal with that? Not very accurate testing if you ask me, actually quite dangerous cos to someone who didn't know much about mechanics and stuff then you would have left it and could have caued serious problems. I also discovered a shotty swaybar link which they failed to pick up and if this item brakes can cause a very serious loss of control while driving.

I still have a slight knock and sqeak coming from the front end but finding it hard to pin point, still sound slike something is lose, so i am going to check the wheel bearings and the right hand shock also to ensure it isn't that. Still got me baffled tho.

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Grim, there are two really good suspension places in sydney with really good names i have dealt with. One is Selbys at carringbah who or a place at minto called whiteline. I wouldnt go to pedders, they dont have a clue. Well, from what i have seen anyway. Another way is to see if you have like a clear type thick fluid type leak from the front corners of the car. They are the Caster rods leaking, they always wear on skylines and leave sticky shit on the garage floor.

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