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Gonna Be Sad To See Her Go


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The decision has been made, and after weeks of pining over it, I have decided to sell my car when I get it back :D I dont have a license until October, and would prefer the car to be getting driven and enjoyed instead of gathering dust. Its currently at Mercury getting a new oil feed line and final tune, then I will be posting up in the for sale section on here, and a couple of other sites. Will be scouring the net to get some idea of a price, although I already have something in mind.

At the end of the year, or early next year i'll be getting a brand new toy, still deciding on what, but thats a long way away yet.

Edited by Spooner
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Well variety is the spice of life...

You will always miss it once its sold, but then ive felt the same everytime I buy something new...

It is sad, i often think what it would be like if i sold my Skyline. I would struggle to do it. I guess it's the first car i have really grown attached to. I love my car. Good luck with the sale mate. Then there is a saying "nothing gets you over the last one like the next one".

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LOL....tell me about it....

Well at least I own a house now that makes money rather than lose it....like with a car.

But im the same, wait till next year and the ride i will have then will shit all over that 34 i had ...lol... but have grown to like yellow cars

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yeah it will be hard, i think Skylines have a lot of individual personality that other cars i have driven don't have.

Thats funny, because i see the complete opposite.

I own an r33 gtst and really consider it quite dull and without personality. I just find its mediocre at everything. Its just a well put together car that does anything. My last car was a tx5 turbo and don't laugh, but it was a much more fun car to own. It was about as quick as the r33 but was a different drive all together, it just felt angry, torque steering and carrying on all over the place. The consistant wheel spin just about anywhere was also funny.

Maybe its rose coloured glasses on my part i dont know.

Don't get my wrong, the r33 is a better car, i just don't have any real 'feeling' for the thing.

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I'm currently tossing up whether or not to sell my 34. My bf and i have just bought a house too. I currently have the 34 and a daily driver (bluey sss), and the daily will definately be the first to go, but i'm thinking that having only one car, that i may need something a little more practical and cheaper to run/insure/etc than the skyline.

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Man i sold mine like a month ago and damn i miss it... got two new cars but still miss my skyline.... but the one thing that made me decide was the way pricing and demand is dropping on them and also all the new defect laws.. but I'm still considering buying it back and just sitting it in the back of the garage under a cover and never drive it lol.... pretty sad i know

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Thats funny, because i see the complete opposite.

I own an r33 gtst and really consider it quite dull and without personality. I just find its mediocre at everything. Its just a well put together car that does anything. My last car was a tx5 turbo and don't laugh, but it was a much more fun car to own. It was about as quick as the r33 but was a different drive all together, it just felt angry, torque steering and carrying on all over the place. The consistant wheel spin just about anywhere was also funny.

Maybe its rose coloured glasses on my part i dont know.

Don't get my wrong, the r33 is a better car, i just don't have any real 'feeling' for the thing.

I feel ya on that. My old 33 was pretty boring, it was a solid, not-too-slow cruiser with reasonable balance, a lot of body roll and ok brakes. A few mods brings them to life though, suspension, brake pads, fluid flush and a few choice engine mods will give it some character :whistling: It still won't wrestle the wheel from your hands if that's what you like (though FWD really isn't my thing) but they are a much more exciting car with mods! For me their appeal is in the huge potential waiting to be unlocked, rather than the "blistering" stock performance.
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