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Missfire On Na R34


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Hey guys, i just bought the car last week thursday, was working fine for about a day or 2, and then this missfire started, the car has a kakimoto 3 or 4 inch. I know, NA's should have between 2 and 2.5 but thats how i got the car for now.

Now what happened was that i was just driving normal and gave it a hit on 3rd and suddenly rpm dropped a lil and just started to stutter and then start missing. And its been happening ever since, if im on low revs it doesnt miss. But once its over 3 or 4000 then it gets to be worse.

Ive read a few things on the sticky thread, but thats mostly turbo engines.

Now i just need to figure out, do i just change the spark plugs? Coz thats what my mate said and his a mechanic, said just change the sparks and test that. Oh yeah, the engine warning lights been on aswell since the missfire started.


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Hey guys, i just bought the car last week thursday, was working fine for about a day or 2, and then this missfire started, the car has a kakimoto 3 or 4 inch. I know, NA's should have between 2 and 2.5 but thats how i got the car for now.

Now what happened was that i was just driving normal and gave it a hit on 3rd and suddenly rpm dropped a lil and just started to stutter and then start missing. And its been happening ever since, if im on low revs it doesnt miss. But once its over 3 or 4000 then it gets to be worse.

Ive read a few things on the sticky thread, but thats mostly turbo engines.

Now i just need to figure out, do i just change the spark plugs? Coz thats what my mate said and his a mechanic, said just change the sparks and test that. Oh yeah, the engine warning lights been on aswell since the missfire started.


If your getting engine warning light (any other lights?) my moneys on coils - i just went through the same thing had to buy a set of splitfires in the end.

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Daym, i called DRC today, near greenacre where i live, and popping in for a service.

If that doesnt work out then im gonna have to get the coils done, how much were they ?


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Nice, im getting a full service and coils for 750 this weekend.

Platinum sparks, full engine service, tune and installation of coils


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