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Bad Stalling Problem


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Hey guys,

Over the last week my car has developed a pretty bad stalling problem. It cuts out while slowing down for traffic lights or when pulling into the driveway. Then last night when driving I could smell something burning, about 30 seconds later the car cut out while still going 60km/h :P

Other info which might be relevant...

- my exhaust manifold was replaced about 2 weeks ago

- the problem is worse when the aircon is on

Any help would be appreciated :thanks: thanks

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reset stock ecu

if still persists check battery voltage

if still persists go see an auto elec/mechanic

Thanks, now that you mention it my battery is getting a bit old. The car needed a jump start after leaving the radio on for only 5-10 minutes. Do you think this could be the cause? I've mentioned this to a few people but they seem to think it's unrelated.

do you have an aftermarket bov?

Nope, car is pretty close to stock.

Edited by rick444
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Thanks, now that you mention it my battery is getting a bit old. The car needed a jump start after leaving the radio on for only 5-10 minutes. Do you think this could be the cause? I've mentioned this to a few people but they seem to think it's unrelated.

Nope, car is pretty close to stock.

Check all your electrical plugs in your engine bay, first place i'll be looking is the AFM. is your car boosting ok? maybe borrow a friends AFM and i suggest you replace your battery, you dont want to be stuck with a flat!

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I just checked out all the plugs in the engine bay and everything seems fine.

However when I let the off the throttle and the revs drop, sometimes I hear a faint crackling noise coming from the back of the engine bay, it almost sounds like electricity arcing, but I can't be sure. It only lasts a second and I can't find the source of it.

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Mine was doing this last week. I changed the o2 sensor (could see it rich at idle on dyno) and its fixed the problem. I didnt think it was the problem but turned out to be!!


might be worth a shot if you cant find the problem. do a search on the forums and you will find loads of threads on the o2 sensor.

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