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Delaying License Suspension


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So I got done being silly and going 35ks over the speed limit..

In NSW thats an automatic suspension of 3 months

I waited till i got the penalty reminder notice from the SDRO. Thats now due on 7 October.

Im going overseas for 2 months on January 6, and was hoping to have the suspension overlap all/most of this period

Ideally from around mid december to mid march..

Thus I pose to you two questions

1: Any idea how long the suspension kicks in after the fine?

2: Any ideas how to delay paying the fine and therefore the suspension?

I was thinking about calling them up and being like "i need a few more weeks to get the cash together".. does anybody have any experience in this? Thanks!

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Not sure if it would work in NSW but you could always try appealing it in court. When you choose to go to court you are allowed to continue driving up until the court date so thats a bonus. When you go into court you just plead guilty and pay the fine + a court fee ($70 mine was). The problem with this is the magistrate can increase your fine if he/she wants. Well thats what they threatened me with anyway.

Worth a try..

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35 over and only that WTF? in Melbourne i got done same speed i got 6 months and then an option 4 months extra or 1 year on 1 point so i did 10 months for 35 over consider your self extremely lucky

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So I got done being silly and going 35ks over the speed limit..

In NSW thats an automatic suspension of 3 months

I waited till i got the penalty reminder notice from the SDRO. Thats now due on 7 October.

Im going overseas for 2 months on January 6, and was hoping to have the suspension overlap all/most of this period

Ideally from around mid december to mid march..

Thus I pose to you two questions

1: Any idea how long the suspension kicks in after the fine?

2: Any ideas how to delay paying the fine and therefore the suspension?

I was thinking about calling them up and being like "i need a few more weeks to get the cash together".. does anybody have any experience in this? Thanks!

It starts as soon as you have paid it, or made the first payment. You have the option of paying it off in installments, but as I said it starts from the first payment.

There is no real way of “delaying” it until January 6. You can tick “take to court option”, then you’ll get a hearing mention date to attended and at that hearing mention date you will be given a trial date.

This however could take as long as a piece of string. You may not get a hearing mention for weeks/months and then who knows for the trial date. You will end up wasting your own time and money from having days off from work.

Worst case you get egg on your face for wasting the courts time when you could have just paid the ticket within the 28days and copped the suspension sweet as you were in fact doing 35kph over.

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It starts as soon as you have paid it, or made the first payment. You have the option of paying it off in installments, but as I said it starts from the first payment.

There is no real way of “delaying” it until January 6. You can tick “take to court option”, then you’ll get a hearing mention date to attended and at that hearing mention date you will be given a trial date.

This however could take as long as a piece of string. You may not get a hearing mention for weeks/months and then who knows for the trial date. You will end up wasting your own time and money from having days off from work.

Worst case you get egg on your face for wasting the courts time when you could have just paid the ticket within the 28days and copped the suspension sweet as you were in fact doing 35kph over.

I was under the impression that you pay the SDRO, they inform the RTA that you've paid, the RTA sends you a letter saying your licence is suspended from XX/XX/XX - XX/XX/XX. SO it takes a couple of weeks after paying the fine for the RTA to process..

Can anyone from NSW confirm?

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I was under the impression that you pay the SDRO, they inform the RTA that you've paid, the RTA sends you a letter saying your licence is suspended from XX/XX/XX - XX/XX/XX. SO it takes a couple of weeks after paying the fine for the RTA to process..

Can anyone from NSW confirm?

I think you’ll find it is rolled over as soon as it’s updated, which would be daily. When I’ve paid fines direct at transport I was issued suspensions letters then and there on the spot.

Even if it takes a week to get the letter, the date from when it starts (in all my case's which is alot) has been dated from when payment took place.

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^^ Is correct. It takes something like 2 weeks for the RTA to process everything but the letter will say your license suspension commenced on this Date xx/xx/xx which will be the date you paid the fine or made the first payment.

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^^ Is correct. It takes something like 2 weeks for the RTA to process everything but the letter will say your license suspension commenced on this Date xx/xx/xx which will be the date you paid the fine or made the first payment.

i agree, i had the same problem last year, as i have menthioned before i was abit od an idiot, always speeding.... got done one day on the way to work, 93 in a 60 zone in my old car (not a skyline), 30 and over is 3 months suspension, 4 demerit points and $609 fine in NSW, drag it out to the second payment notice, then pay it one or 2 days before its due (dont forget or your rooted). I paid the fine some time in JULY, then i got a leter a month later, Beginning of end of August that my lisence will be revoked from the 27th September- 28th of December.....

and Nismo boy is wrong, the process starts weeks after you pay the fine, and even longer for them to finnish the process, in my case i could still legally drive for nearly 3 months after the copper pulling me over.....

for you jullion i recon if you leave in january about half of the suspension will be done while your away, so when you come back you can drive (provideing your license didnt expire while its suspended)

anyway this speeding law does work, now i cruise most of the time instead of speeding most of the time, it may be an inconveniance for now, but in the future it may save your life, or at the least save you more from fines and loss of lisence lol. alot of my mates have been done aswell and it has slowed them down, appart form one who has now clocked up 12 years of suspension for repetitavely been caught driving without lisence.....

also 45km/h and over in NSW can be an automatic on the spot suspension if the officer deems it suitable, ovr $1000 fine and 6 demerits i think its up to now

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I paid the fine some time in JULY, then i got a leter a month later, Beginning of end of August that my lisence will be revoked from the 27th September- 28th of December.....

and Nismo boy is wrong, the process starts weeks after you pay the fine, and even longer for them to finnish the process, in my case i could still legally drive for nearly 3 months after the copper pulling me over.....

Hmmm.. thanks heaps for that info

So ill assume that the suspension will kick in approximately 2 months after i pay the fine..

thanks for the responses guys!

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  • 1 month later...

Oright FYI:

Date of offence: 5 August 2008

I waited till i got the payment reminder in the mail, called them up on the due date, was like "i need more time"

They were more then happy to give me 2 weeks extra.

I paid on the final extended date.

I got a letter today saying that i lose my license on 9 December

Soo i managed to delay it 4 months and 4 days, with out any dramas.

Cheers for your help guys


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I dont know if it works anymore, but a way you could avoid getting demerits in NZ is by overpaying the fine.

You could get a $200 fine, send a cheque for $201, and they would mail you back a $1 refund. But if you didnt cash the cheque, for some reason the transaction for the fine was never completed at there end and the demerits never came off the license. BUT the fine was recorded as paid.. pretty schweet if you were a couple points over.

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