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Lets Cruise! 5th December, Map Drawn


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Yeah I'll give it a go.

I've only been on the scene as myself since May, but I've been in the scene for a few years and been on allot of cruises.

I'll organise one for Jan/Feb? And if I screw up you's can nail me too.

But, I won't fck it up like last nights!!!!

apologies for the anger guys but getting PM's from some guy I don't even know asking me to not be harsh on the kid, if you want to say that do it on the thread don't PM me about it :(

i and a few more people where at one point flooring it to keep up but it just didn’t happen so in the end, pulled over to a road with "melski, Jivlah, Mod," and a few more and went to the Etuned Cruise.

any way I’m not here to criticize and it was your first time. But please if you organize another cruise try making some meet points and have some road directions.


our mini cruise was actually fun :)

I think in total me, jordan, julz, chloe, benson and a guy and his gf from Calais Turbo Club ended up on like 5 diff cruises (club cruises and mini 'lost' cruises) lol

Mel to organise cruise.

i am still yet to go on one.

Patty if I do this you better come!!!! :)

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our mini cruise was actually fun :(

I think in total me, jordan, julz, chloe, benson and a guy and his gf from Calais Turbo Club ended up on like 5 diff cruises (club cruises and mini 'lost' cruises) lol

ahaha yer the mini cruise was random but fun. i swear we picked up some random black r33 on the way lol

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ahaha yer the mini cruise was random but fun. i swear we picked up some random black r33 on the way lol

and the random white 33 with no exhaust and the kid was yelling out the window at me and they ended up at the Bell tower with us and no one knew them!!! lol wtf!!!

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Out of all you people having a go at this guy, how many have actually planned a cruise?

Yea... thats what I thought. Pretty much none of you.

Give the guy a break. At least he had the balls to plan a cruise. I wasn't at the cruise, cause I had to work, but I'm sure it wasn't terrible. No matter what cruise you go on, there are always things that can be improved on. Just cause it didn't meet your expectations, doesn't mean you can rip into the guy. I've been on really good cruises and really bad ones. At the end of the day, I still met new people and got to see some nice cars. Everyone just stop your whining and harden up.

Rick, good on ya for having a go mate. Don't listen to these people. I'm sure you would have seen what you can improve on for your next one. If you want to organise another, feel free to PM me and I'll give you some pointers if you want.

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Ryan dude... you weren't there you don't know what happened mate

And like I said yeah I ragged out the cruise cos it was sh!t but I'm happy to plan one and as i said if I do a sh!t job then I'll be open to criticism too

And it wasn't even a cruise, a major majority got lost the minute we left Hillarys

And we're 100% entitled to our opinions seeing that we were actually there and it started as people giving their opinions and constructive critisism but saying things like what you just said Ryan is going to make people angry like: "Everyone just stop your whining and harden up", "Don't listen to these people"

Coming from someone who wasn't even at the 'meet point' ill call it. Allot of people were angry last night Ryan so mate offer the kid all your help, thats cool but don't have a go at us for venting our frustration

Edited by MeLSki
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and the random white 33 with no exhaust and the kid was yelling out the window at me and they ended up at the Bell tower with us and no one knew them!!! lol wtf!!!

i really do apologise for that, that was one of my mates im sorry he was being a f**ked yelling and shit it was really pissing me off and i had told him to shutup, rest assured he wont be coming in my car again, wat was so random about us we were on the cruise from the start, the maps didnt really help so i just follow the cars in front and then ended up at the bell tower, that was my first cruise so i didnt expect anyone to know me, i just saw a few cars and thought they were part of the cruise cause i had no idea were i was going anymore

on a lighter note nice paint

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sure it wasnt set up like other cruises like direction layout but that was the first cruise i didnt get lost on lol was a good night and go the hi ace and the vt at hamburgur hill woo!

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Mel... I'm not trying to argue whether it was good or bad. All I'm saying is, this guy is a new member, and from what I gather, even new to the skyline scene. Give the guy a break. At least he had a go. Planing a cruise is not exactly something that comes together perfect everytime.

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i really do apologise for that, that was one of my mates im sorry he was being a f**ked yelling and shit it was really pissing me off and i had told him to shutup, rest assured he wont be coming in my car again, wat was so random about us we were on the cruise from the start, the maps didnt really help so i just follow the cars in front and then ended up at the bell tower, that was my first cruise so i didnt expect anyone to know me, i just saw a few cars and thought they were part of the cruise cause i had no idea were i was going anymore

on a lighter note nice paint

Oh true!!! Haha sorry you guys just ended up with us out of no where because you weren't with us at Perry Lakes hahaha we were like who are these randoms? Nah that's cool your mate probably didn't realise what he was doing!!

Dude what's with your exhaust? It's all op-en at the back?! :(

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Mel... I'm not trying to argue whether it was good or bad. All I'm saying is, this guy is a new member, and from what I gather, even new to the skyline scene. Give the guy a break. At least he had a go. Planing a cruise is not exactly something that comes together perfect everytime.

And Ryan if you read what I said previously, I said the same things that Dan, Benson and a few others agreed on, I didn't expect it to go perfect, we were just talking about sw33ts cruise before, allot of people missed the kalamunda meet on that one but we still knew where the second meet point was.

This guy didn't drive the course nor did he print enough maps and the maps he did print were screen shots from google maps

For something that he had been advertising for a while now he could have put a little more thought into it, or if he wasn't sure, he should have asked for help, that's all we've been saying. No one said we expected perfection, just an idea of wtf was going on would've been enough.

As I said it started as constructive criticism no one is having a go at him no one has said "Rick you are a d!ckhead" we've just been saying "umm wtf happened?"

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yer we thought everyone was goin to perry lakes but like 15 cars went past tthe turn off so we were like ok then,

exhaust hahah or lack of, im getting a new one from kermit next week, like i said b4 my cars not in the best shape but its a work in progress the exhaust will be on next week. just look for a kit and rims then i can start on the engine

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Out of all you people having a go at this guy, how many have actually planned a cruise?

Yea... thats what I thought. Pretty much none of you.

Give the guy a break. At least he had the balls to plan a cruise. I wasn't at the cruise, cause I had to work, but I'm sure it wasn't terrible. No matter what cruise you go on, there are always things that can be improved on. Just cause it didn't meet your expectations, doesn't mean you can rip into the guy. I've been on really good cruises and really bad ones. At the end of the day, I still met new people and got to see some nice cars. Everyone just stop your whining and harden up.

Rick, good on ya for having a go mate. Don't listen to these people. I'm sure you would have seen what you can improve on for your next one. If you want to organise another, feel free to PM me and I'll give you some pointers if you want.

finally someone who agrees with me and as for the person messaging melski its me and i was trying to explain the her that she should just chill out and if u want me to air it on the thread here it is

u should get off ur bloody high horse women for 1 u say all these ppl r pissed off there r f*k all ppl here complaining about it compared to how many where there last night enjoying themselve guess what love life dont always go to plan or nor did this cruise i am so f*king sik of all this shit about how bad it was its called a learning curve untill u organise ur own (which best of luck wit) and it goes off with out a hitch then shutup once u have done it then u can talk about it ok i am over listening to this shit the guy put his neck on the line and got burnt but to sit here and continuley put him down thats not right grow up ok

now have a good day everyone :(

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cant be that random if ive got sauwa stickers

oooh thats right I remember now we thought you guys were random when you're friend yelled something at me then when I went to turn off I remember saying to Jordan "oh no not randoms he has an sauwa sticker" :( I remember now

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i didnt think the cruise was that bad fair enough yer the maps cud have had the meet points listed and blah blah blah

but kudos to the bloke that organised it for a first cruise i throughly enjoyed myself we can just improve on it next time

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finally someone who agrees with me and as for the person messaging melski its me and i was trying to explain the her that she should just chill out and if u want me to air it on the thread here it is

u should get off ur bloody high horse women for 1 u say all these ppl r pissed off there r f*k all ppl here complaining about it compared to how many where there last night enjoying themselve guess what love life dont always go to plan or nor did this cruise i am so f*king sik of all this shit about how bad it was its called a learning curve untill u organise ur own (which best of luck wit) and it goes off with out a hitch then shutup once u have done it then u can talk about it ok i am over listening to this shit the guy put his neck on the line and got burnt but to sit here and continuley put him down thats not right grow up ok

now have a good day everyone :(

lol ur a fkn psycho! THE CRUISE WAS SH!T GET OVER IT can't you see we've moved on to speak about other stuff hahahaha thankx n00b

and no one had a go at THE KID we were telling him what he fkd up on which we are entitled lol and the amount of ppl that were skitzing about it last night???

and don't call me 'love' you psycho and don't PM me again

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Ok... this is the last thing I'm saying anything on this topic cause I'm not here for a shit fight.

If you read what I wrote in the previous post, I'm not saying whether the cruise was good or bad. It may have been terrible, I have no way to judge. At the end of the day, its not the point I'm trying to make.

What I am saying is, at least the guy had a go. So until you have had a go and made perfect cruises every time, then you can't really talk.

Rick... Don't worry man. No matter what you do, some people will love it and some people will hate it. I have read a few comments that have said it was a good cruise. At the end of the day, people seem to jump on the band wagon when there is something negative to be said and they can't be arsed when it comes to giving a guy a pat on the back and saying well done.

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