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R33 Gtst Body Kit Help


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Hey i have an r33 gtst series 2. It has a gtr front body kit.

Tonight i drove the car up one of those curbs that cars can easily drive up, ive done it a million times, but for some reason i must have apprached it from the wrong angle and it got caught on the gutter and it damaged my body kit.

I wouldnt mind if it was at the bottom thats already cracked and i dont care about, but this time it has damaged near the screw under the drivers side head light. Its dark so i can not see the extent of the damage but is there stuff that can repair it easily??

I'm pretty sure its fibre glass.

also does anyone have a spare front that they dont use (preferable silver and either has indicators already or has slots for the gtr indicators)?? I'll pay for it


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