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Inner West Crew Whoretown (toowong/st Lucia/kenmore/indooroopilly And Sometimes Sunnybank?)


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Also the F430 Scuderia pulls harder then martin at a baskins' meet

lol lol lol

Anyway chaps im out for the next couple days, heading west again, will be back here on monday night. I'll try landing me a pig this trip.


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Morning mangs


Engine should be on the way to me soon :)

Also the F430 Scuderia pulls harder then martin at a baskins' meet

AHAHAHAHA I lol'd hard

surely the girls out west aren't that ugly...

Maybe not but the pigs are RRREEEAAAALLLL purty....


even god knows rb20s are shit

Especially redtops.

LOL John, good form

Edited by Smity42
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Sup mangs. Bus at 5:50am to get to uni for 8..gaids. So after about 10:30 today I have nothing to do until baskins. Help?

Go hang at baskins all day? I'm sure if you're there for that long you can manage to hook up with at least one of them :)

So what you're saying is, you can't get yourself wet like a flood...

Thats what it sounds like to me.

If you're not making a mess, you're doing it wrong...

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So what you're saying is, you can't get yourself wet like a flood...

Im not much of a flooder..

However it does make it easy to have a quick play throughout the day..

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Go hang at baskins all day? I'm sure if you're there for that long you can manage to hook up with at least one of them :)

Thats what it sounds like to me.

If you're not making a mess, you're doing it wrong...

Hahaha, Dont get me wrong.. I love, and am all for getting messy..

But sometimes it's good to be able to have a quick flick and move on lol

Def makes it easier to finish the day off.. Especially at work..

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Hahaha, Dont get me wrong.. I love, and am all for getting messy..

But sometimes it's good to be able to have a quick flick and move on lol

Def makes it easier to finish the day off.. Especially at work..

Efficiency = Win?

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