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I have nothing against rotary engines, in fact I love them and the sound they make, but I have to agree with the whole 3.9L displacement argument as each rotor has 3 combustible sides to it for every one rotor revolution (not crank or eccentric shaft revolution).

Yeah that's true but only one side of the rotor get's used per revolution of the output (Eccentric) shaft so there for only 1.3 litres (0.66 x 2 for a 13B) gets used per revolution. You need to forget about the revolution of the rotor becasue everything is measured (RPM and Power) on the output shaft on every engine. You never see a piston speed gauge on your dashboard do you. It's like saying that the rotation of the cam shaft is vital to the running of a 4 stroke engine so really the redline of our nissan engines is really around the 3750 rpm mark.

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what is this? i know its a drive shaft.. or is it drive shaft AND tail shaft....

it come out of teh vl with 20, so is it specific to vl rb20 or will it suit 25, 30, R31's etc?

sellin it on ebay thats all :laugh:


Edited by craig R33
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the output shafts for RB30e and the RB20 gearboxes are the same so it's a VL tailshaft and will suit anything with either of those GB's. I haven't mentioned the 30et's because i'm not sure if the output shafts are the same, as i'm lead to believe that they had a stronger box so they may have a different output shaft.

Edited by D_Stirls
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go for it, what have you got to lose. It's much the same as just pulling the engine out and putting it back in with the nissan stuff as it's all pretty modular.

My conversion for instance;

RB25 > S13

-Use a Cheffy X member that bolts straight up to the S-Series chassis rails.

-Then use RB20 Engine mounts brackets, that bolt straight up to the 25

-Use some off the shelf rubber mounts (i have some ideas here but we'll see if they will work and or be an improvement on the RB20 mounts.

-The only bit that has to be custom made is the gearbox X-member, which is no problem for me and infact i'll be making up some CNC brackets that Matt can then sell.

-Almost forgot the custom tail shaft which will cost $250 for an engineering fabriction place that makes tails shafts.

There you go the mechanical part is done.

Edited by D_Stirls
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Stolen from ns.com but lol's all around... Fast and the Furious-styles.

ive seen worse ones, that are obviously made up,

one of a skyline i think that was "going too fast for me to get the number plates" or "car was drifting behind me so i pulled over because i was scared"

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