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Water Dripping Under The Car. Any Problem?


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there are drops of water dripping underneath my 04 v35. under the front passenger side. I spoke to dealer in this regards he says it is normal as the water is comming from air con. I have checked it is water not any kind of oil. but it keeps dropping all the time like never runs out. it is going to be a problem?

Edited by tonich
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It will just be water from your air con if your using it as it has a radiator like core in your heater box and when you use it it freezes up and water forms on it. the water drops of get caught and is let out of the hearter box via a hose that goes out through the firewall

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Drain for a/c condensation is under the front passenger side. It is almost certainly just that and nothing to worry about but to be sure a simple test is to lean under the car straight after you have stopped driving and parked with engine off. Let the drips hit your hand and feel the water temp/ look at the colour. If it truly is just condensation from air conditioner it will be cool (normal air temp) and clear. If on the other hand it is coolant it will be very warm/hot and greenish colour. Only other source of water in this area is windscreen washer reservoir which you can check by filling to top and see if level drops without use. Having said all that I would be 99% confident that it is just your a/c condensation drain which drips water like crazy this hot humid time of year.

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