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R32 Tail Lights


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heyy guys, just wondering if its possible to get led tail lights for r32 4 doors ??

ive searched but cant find any =/

would really like some cause the couple leds look AWESOMEEE

so yehh anyone seen these before ??

cheers :)

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Nah man, I tried for some time and came up blank.

You have 2 options though.

1: Make your own. This would take a fair bit of work but it's doable.

2: Convert to a coupe rear end. This is a lot of work and wouldn't be worth the effort as option 1 is easier.

I was going to convert mine but I'm undecided as to whether I'm keeping the sedan or moving everything into a coupe body. When I make my mind up, I'll be converting the sedan to LED for sure.

If you come across someone who makes them, post up the link.

Good luck.


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truee, there looking impossible to find =/

you would think someone would make them =/

oh well lols ill stick with stock ones =/

thanks anyways matee

If I'm not wrong, I saw someone on Evolutionm.net selling LED light, you keep your stock housing and just replace crappy stock bulb by LED.

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