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Jap streets.


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From what i understand Japanese streets have no names or #'s

apaarently reference points such as buildings etc are used for navigation (??) correct me if im wrong

But is it this way in both city and rural area's ???

and is it hard i cant imagine this...

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Your right, they use numbers for blocks, zones and areas.

For example, my address is: Motoyama Nishimachi "2-2-7-501" Higashinada-ku Kobe.

The "2-2-7-501" equals: Block #2, Building/House #2-7, Apartment #501 (I live in a 7 story building).

There ya go! It makes sense IMO...

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In some ways the system does make sense - well, the Japanese postmen (and women) don't seem to have any problems

BUT it seems that in a lot of cases block 6 is nowhere near block 5...

or in my case, I live in house 2640, which is next to 2604 which is next to 2582 I believe! :rofl:

But I do live out in the countryside!

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I should add that around where I live you can find little street side maps. They give you details of all the buildings in the area and their numbers, and in most cases the owners/residents surname. Makes finding a house somewhat easier! :rofl:

And most of the major roads do have names/numbers, such as Yamanote Dori, or Route 20, or Bypass...

It's not too bad when you get used to it.

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So the equivelent of our Hwy's and FWY's do have names(or route numbers) and when in prefectures it's the number system you mentioned?

I guess once you are use to it it would be handy you could look at the numbers and tell in what general direction you have to head

(assuming there is an order to the number system.. :rofl:

cheers for the Info guys.

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I think America has the best Street Naming system, its just numbers.

1st Street

2nd Street

3rd Street

Makes things very easy if you want to get to 22nd street you just keeeeeep driving. I never got lost when I was walking around, but then again thats coz I didn't venture out too far coz I forgot to take my pistol :rofl:

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Hi, this is kinda off the topic, but I have heard its really expencive to live in Japan, like everything costs alot of AUD. Is this true? Or was it the case, but now its fine?

I'm sure this was touched on before, on one of the other threads. Can't find it now though, probably a victim of The Great Lost Month...:(

But basically:

BIG CITY = Very Expensive :)

LITTLE CITY = Expensive :(


the biggest outlay in Japan is rent. Costs your more in the city. Having said that, I have no idea how that compares to Aus. How much would you pay for a small apartment in Sydney for example?

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Depends where you where in sydney. In chatswood about 20minutes train right north of sydney city a 2 bedroom unit will cost you about 420bucks a week. But go North another 10 minutes on the train and it will cost you 300 a week for the same unit.

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Then you're gonna have a shock living in Tokyo! According to an online currency calculator 420 bucks AUS is around 35,000 yen! Shit, my mate who lives in the small city near me pays 40,000 yen for a 1 room apartment!!! In tokyo expect to pay around 50,000 to 80,000 yen a month for a similar sized (1 room with dining/kitchen bathroom) and that won't include parking!

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Rezz will know more about the costs of rent in big cities, but basically it's looking like Japan is VERY expensive compared to Aus. Don't forget before you can move in you often have to pay several months in advance, plus a months rent as fee to the housing agency, plus another month's as "Key Money" - a mandatory monetary gift to the land owner...:(

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In tokyo expect to pay around 50,000 to 80,000 yen a month for a similar sized (1 room with dining/kitchen bathroom) and that won't include parking!

80,000yen = A$979/mth

If you ask me $244/wk ($979/mth) is pretty damn cheap to live in Tokyo City.

To get rent down to $244/wk in Sydney you would have to go 45mins west (:() and that would get you a 4 bedroom house with double lockup garage and small-med backyard.

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It certainly seems expensive, but I'm always converting things to British, and rents over there, even in London, aren't too bad! :(

It's certainly a lot cheaper to live outside the main cities. You also have to factor in parking costs - I believe Rezz pays around 15,000 yen a month whereas I don't pay anything living out in the countryside as I do.

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Yes guys, shock horror... I pay 120,000 yen a month for a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment in the area east of Kobe near a really expensive place called Ashiya. In 2003, Settsu-Motoyama (my area) was voted "fastest growing urban zone", meaning it's a combo of the nicest, cleanest, most convenient areas in Japan... hence the price.

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I dig your sig, Dave... :)

Thanks mate! :)

Geez - 120,000 yen a month! Still I bet it's cool to live in a nice area. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad about being in the countryside but my youngest neighbour is way past retirement and I'm surrounded on all sides by old farm houses and even the odd mud brick house! :D Not to mention there's virtually no nite life...:(

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hehehe. It aint all bad :D

What the Japanese term countryside is actually quite "urbanised" in my book. But, where I am now, it's about a 5 min drive into the mountains. Moutain roads means drfit action, especially on the weekends. They also mean very few traffic signals (in the cities you've got to put up with traffic jams and signals every 100m or so, something that really makes driving in the city a pain in the ass:()

in my spare time I often take a 5 min drive to my local racing circuit in the mountains and watch the racing/drift action :P



for me Tokyo is around an hour away by car, as is Mt. Fuji, Fuji Speedway, Yokohama and nagano for skiing...

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the above photos are taken from my site. The circuit itself is growing, but it's essentially a RWYB circuit so you can see just about anything on the track, bikes and hondas included...:P

As a side note, thus far the fastest car I can recall seeing around the track was a seriously worked Subaru...FORESTER! :D

they also have a cool RC track aswell...

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wow! sounds like a pretty nice life out there in the woods. Whats the name of your town? Are you also working as an english teacher?

Hey, any other pics of the area that you live in? Like shops, street, view from bedroom etc etc...

Thanks for the insight!

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