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Redlight Cameras

Mr. Keets

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I was copied in to an e-mail...changes to the redlight cameras. I always thought they extrapolated the speed based on sequential photos and distance travelled but for what it's worth here it is...

These are the new fixed red light / speed camera locations for Perth.














These are the up-coming locations for the new red light/speed cameras. If you speed through the intersection you will get done for speeding.

They will all be in action from June/July. .

There is one already active in front of the bell tower on Riverside Drive in the City. "

No I wasnt shouting thats how the e-mail came lol

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Does anybody know how these redlight cameras work? For example I go through a orange light and it turns red half way through, At what point will Camera go off? 1Sec after red? Any car less than halfway through?

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I doubt they have changed the way the redlight cameras go off, if you cross the line while the light is RED, you get done.

I feel sorry for whoever slams up the back of me when I grab the anchors to stop for a late amber light instead of squeezing the gas a bit.

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Does anybody know how these redlight cameras work? For example I go through a orange light and it turns red half way through, At what point will Camera go off? 1Sec after red? Any car less than halfway through?

No, these new redlight camera's Operate as normal but they will also snap you if you are speeding through the intersection when its amber, dont speed up to beat an amber and you'll be right.

Edited by Dani Boi
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There's not a way to fight it, if you get done is there?

" I had to speed up cause there was no room to stop/ there were people close behind me"?

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There's not a way to fight it, if you get done is there?

" I had to speed up cause there was no room to stop/ there were people close behind me"?

Uhh I doubt it, it's there fault that they hit you anyway :) There's no need for you to speed up when the light is amber anyway, just take it at normal speed or brake and wait.

Edited by Dani Boi
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Shouldn't have any drama's in any zone...in 100kmph zones, there are pre-amber warnings 100 metres ahead, and we all know the rules...if you're too close to a car to stop as quickly or quicker than that car, you're too close.

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The law is the law but unfortunately, there are tonnes of plonker-f**khead drivers all over the place that'll sit up your arse to make it through an amber light only to be thwarted by you and your desire to keep your licence. As such, your car is going to literally get arse-raped.

That's the price we all have to pay. My advice - GET INSURANCE. Or move to the country where they're lucky to have one set of lights.


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hmmm, this sucks balls. so basicaly even if its green and you speed through its gonna snap.

say goodbye to your licence boys.

acctualy shouldn't it also be law to put up a sign telling you, just take it cautiously as f**k.

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Shouldn't have any drama's in any zone...in 100kmph zones, there are pre-amber warnings 100 metres ahead, and we all know the rules...if you're too close to a car to stop as quickly or quicker than that car, you're too close.

I didn't think there were 100kmh speed limits through lights?

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thanks for the info

quite annoying to see WA traffic lights copping speed cameras too now just like in VIC, every 2nd traffic light is a speed camera over there..

it was bound to happen though im actually suprised it took this long.. but now that it has.. not so happy haha

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I'll be sure to memories those locations :D

I doubt they have changed the way the red light cameras go off, if you cross the line while the light is RED, you get done.

I feel sorry for whoever slams up the back of me when I grab the anchors to stop for a late amber light instead of squeezing the gas a bit.

I got rear-ended by a van because I was braking for the amber instead of trying my luck to run a red. :(

The law is the law but unfortunately, there are tonnes of plonker-f**khead drivers all over the place that'll sit up your arse to make it through an amber light only to be thwarted by you and your desire to keep your license. As such, your car is going to literally get arse-raped.

That's the price we all have to pay. My advice - GET INSURANCE. Or move to the country where they're lucky to have one set of lights.


Exactly, I got full comp insurance & my car is getting fixed for free at the moment, but still a pain in the a** to go through the whole process again, now I'm reduced to driving around in a grandpa spec Camry :bunny:

I didn't think there were 100kmh speed limits through lights?

Tonkin highway? Although the speed limit goes down from 100km/h to 80km/h at each traffic light intersection.

Edited by Mayuri Krab
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