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Like These Rims?

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Those rims are tight. I like them. I have 18" rims. How much bigger can i go legally?

and where do i buy rims similar? I like chrome, especially if it stands out and is flashy.

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Those rims are tight. I like them. I have 18" rims. How much bigger can i go legally?

and where do i buy rims similar? I like chrome, especially if it stands out and is flashy.

I bought mine from Import Monster www.importmonster.com.au

As to how much bigger you can go legally, I'm not too sure. But there are a couple of very knowledgeable people in that regard on this forum.

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Yes, but the Latinos and African Americans do not put them on imported Japanese cars.

As a suggestion, have a look at the rims on my car. They are chrome. 19" with deep dish and staggered. They look fantastic IMHO. I have had lots of compliments on them, but I have also had some people on this forum say that they don't like them simply because they are chrome.

But you can definitely do chrome with style.

The poster above with the pic of the white sedan with the chrome rims. They look fantastic also.

Good luck with your search!!!

Those wheels on the sedan are not chrome, they are forged wheels.

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Those rims are tight. I like them. I have 18" rims. How much bigger can i go legally?

The rules can be found on the RTA web site here.


As for the wheels, they're hideous. As a general rule of thumb, if it's made by Vault then it's going to look tacky and cheap. If they're sold at Tempe, you can be sure that the offsets will not suit a V35.

Those things do look like hubcaps. The little bit of dish will help, but it's not going to offset the size of the spokes (fat spokes are a classic hubcap technique, since they hide the steel wheel underneath) and a lot of the "hubcap" look comes from the really cheap chroming that they do on these wheels. It doesn't have the bright and deep look of real metal, but more the "painted on plastic" finish you find on hubcaps (or Hot Wheels cars). Then in a few months, the chrome starts to cloud and they start to look even cheaper.

There are some quality chrome wheels (the Weds Kranze LXZ's on my mate's S14 would look sweet on a V), but unfortunately they're expensive.

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If you put those rims on your not gonna impress anyone. Let's face it, as much as we would like impress ourselves, we also want others to go WOW! when they look at them instead of things like "who the f**k put chromies on a skyline!!?!"

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Don't worry about what other people think. If YOU like the rims then you should buy them.

But since you asked.. they are close to the ugliest wheels I've ever seen.


true that!

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Think i just regurgitated the ribs i ate last night which is a good and a bad thing. Can still taste the smokey BBQ sauce yummm

Anyways, there are plenty of quality "chrome" wheels to choice from. Its actually polished, not chrome but i won't get picky:

SSR professors: http://www.isc-warehouse.com/images/produc...0752_resize.jpg

Work meisters: http://image.eurotuner.com/f/9364778/160_0..._meister_s1.jpg

Work XD9 in WMB: http://www.ravspeconline.com/images/wheels/work/xd9-wmb1.jpg

Enkei RPF1 in custom polished: http://media.photobucket.com/image/polishe...x74/RPF1001.jpg

What style are you after though? Dish? Concavity, fat spokes, thin spokes, chicks with dicks etc etc

But if you remotely liked those tempe tyre specials that you posted in the OP, i think youre beyond help buddy

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I am sorry to say that I agree with most of the people here, BIG CHROMIES of that nature do not have a place on a skyline

I have a set of Work VS SS on mine, chrome rim with powdercoated centers, and they look great.

Iamhe77 has a set of Nismo (I believe) GT5', all chrome on his m35 stag, they suit the car,

As for the rims you showed us they would probably suit an old Monaro more than a Skyline.

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Yep i'm pretty much with everyone else, apart from the odd set, huge chromies will look pretty s**t house on a 35!

I'd stick to machined or black or ANYthing apart from them haha!

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