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Perfect Circle is PS


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i need to make a perfect circle in photo shop. i've used the eliptical marquee tool to make a circle and filled that with black. then i made a smaller circle and filled that with white or just erased the centre. it looks ok but not very even.

any other suggestions?


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maybe make the size of your canvas your diameter and start the circle from one of the corners to make it even

don't use a fill colour... or if your canvas is white, make the fill colour white.

what's this for?

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i've made the canvas size the same size as circle diameter and started the circle from the corner. i've even used fixed size and keyed in 90 x 90 pixels so i know i'm getting a perfect circle relative to canvas size.

canvas is transparent. i basically need a canvas that's 90x90 with a thin black circle touching the edges of canvas.

it's for a website. i'm just playing around.

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Ah an easy one hey....draw the exact size of the circle you want with the maquee tool then go to EDIT>STROKE choose the diameter of the line you want to draw (if the circle you want has a 10pix width then input 10 in size then choose where you want the colour to be, either on 10pix on the inside of the line or on the outside or half on out and half on in (center) EASY.....NEXT :D


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