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Looking for opinions on a situation on buying over the internet


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1stly i would like to say i have purchased many items and goodies from the internet. May it be through Ebay.com.au and other forums.

Never have i had any issue inregards to delivery or payments and conditions of hte products.

2ndly i have recently purchased and received second hand items From JUDD these include HKS SSQ BOV with Liberty B4 adapter, APexi coilovers.

this is not the 1st time i have conducted business with JUDD. 3 months ago i purchased 2 HKS GTRS turbo's which i paid in full and received it 3 weeks later as he had promised.

I have nothing but 5 star comments for JUDD and will contunue to purchase second hand and new item off him and other sources. When in doubt contact the seller and try to talk to the person or arrange a meeting at Cafe so all the parties knows that they are commited to the sale.

Pleaes consider that when buying a used turbo there is always going to be a risk that the turbo may not perform to its 100% ability. I personally would spend the Extra few hundres dollars to purchase a brand new turbo which is guarenteed to perform 100%.

As for the threats, there is no need to resort to such action. Threats are taken very seriously by the police so think before you speak. the last thing u want is to end up in court cause u threatened someone... is it worth a criminal record? if u get a criminal record you will not be allowed to ever live or perhaps visit alot of countries.... anyway that is a different subject all together

To conclude i would highly recommend Judd for any business transaction.



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Also the TURBO was here within 10days!!! and warrenty was given 1week once arrival in australia AFTER it was cleared out of customs and this is all documented.  

If you have ever delt with me you know what to expect!...as for you and all your mates. There are too many shift people, and 99% of them seem to be related to you and your friends.I think people would see a common trend here.You guys would do anything to get something for nothing..half the time being illegal... WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY? you have never delt with me! but i know where your cases are coming from

G'day... I usually don't get involved in this type of thing too much, but I do feel that my input here would add value.

I just recently purchased some goods from someone very similar to yourself off the forum's, and by the end of the deal I felt like a nagging mother.

I ordered:


Air Pod

Turbo back Exhaust


Boost controller

All of this totally to around $6,000 in parts, which for me is quite a sizeable sum of money. Probably the most money I have spent on one singular thing, besides a car.

I was quoted as receiving the stuff in 10 days. As it turned out, I ended up waiting close to 4 months for all of my parts to arrive. Granted the exhaust was quite difficult to ship, it did not explain how the catalytic convertor that I was instructed to pick up from a garage in Manly was custom made not 1 hour before I arrived when the cat was received supposedly nearly 2 months prior to the day.

So after calling up the person in question every few days with them promising to call me back (never a call back), E-mailing and hardly receiving a response by the end of it I felt like an annoying customer. In the reality I was promised goods and a service that was incredibily below pay for ANY industry.

All in all, I have heard through the grape vine of the reasons for a lot of these troubles with receiving goods, and so the word is that the person in question received my $6k and spent it on other goods for customers who had been on the backlog longer than myself. So that's when the waiting started. My parts were finally ordered from Japan when more people placed their orders and gave him the money. somewhat like a pyramid scam, from what I hear.

All in all, I suggest to anyone thinking about purchasing parts from places like forums need to be extremely careful about who they go through. It comes down to how good your suppliers word is, and if they make promises they cannot deliver then it's imperrative to do something about it. I have learnt from my mistakes and intend on meeting more people and discussing my purchases and who to purchase them through prior to any further transactions I make.

Now I am intentionally not mentioning any names in this thread, but if you are curious as to who in the forum's would sell parts and give this type of service and want to stick clear of them, then feel free to pm me..

No worries...


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as for 2Rismo, you are as dinky dye as they come. If you went to Liverpool exhaust and asked for a turbo kit, as i did before i bought my Rb26 kit for my car. They tried to sell me a Garrett 3540 kit!!! Which included there own manifold (liverpool exhaust make), A Tial 40mm Wastegate and a Garrett GCG GT3540.


Dinky dye? WTF?!?!?!?!? I don't know whether that's an insult or a pisstake or what... hahaha...

"If you went to Liverpool exhaust and asked for a turbo kit" - I wouldn't

"as i did before i bought my Rb26 kit for my car" - i dont own an rb26

"They tried to sell me a Garrett 3540 kit!!!" - errr... so?

"Which included there own manifold" - Makes sense. Garret don't make "kits" like Trust or HKS do.

"A Tial 40mm Wastegate and a Garrett GCG GT3540" - Not really amazing as GCG are Tial distributors.

Judd.....seriously.....how does any of the above apply to my response to your post? Make some f&*king sense please!!!

Skylines Australia is not the place for you to publicly settle your bad deals. I don't care if you have made people personally happy or unhappy in your BUSINESS dealings with them - I really don't.

What this thread does finally prove is that you are a BUSINESS SELLER and profit from the goods you sell on this forum. Thankfully, this has been brought to the attention of dAVE who is the primary moderator of the For Sale section and he will be keeping a close eye on all posts of this nature in the future.


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No taking the piss outta you just saying your straight down the line...dinky dye....Trust TD-06-20g Kit could mean anything!!! and you know it..its not trying to fix a deal..and no I dont buy and sell parts for a profit, see thats where you are wrong...I merely sell what is bought for my car and later sell...and IF people need to use my sources to find things from Japan I can help..that is i suppose a service in which i have not been making money through, more a loss than a profit...i deal with friends in particular mainly....

at the end of the day any one can put together a KIT and sell it...regardless of brands! but i was informed this was a Td06-20g kit which i gladly forwarded on...there was nothing else to it...no questions or pics even asked...

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this thread was started quote "Looking for opinions on a situation on buying over the internet" until people like yourself took it the wrong way....it was never to get personal...no names were meantioned until some of the cultprits decided to make an issue about it!! i was looking for opinions...and soo far it looks like i haven't done anything thing some..mis communication...and lack of research.....

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it didnt happen on SNSW? it happened via email..while i was in JAPAN!..but i am happy to delete this thread..just i need access to it as it looks like legal action will be put forward..for a number of reasons!

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SNSW used to have alot of bitchin and infighting, hence the reference.

Judd, since you are obviously making a bit of cash on the side from importing, you need to take this like a business. If this was a business thread it would have been locked/deleted as there's too much slander going on. If people who have bought from you have a problem, the place to mention this is in the "bad traders" section in the classifieds.

As a business, this thread is doing more harm than good for you. For the forums, it brings it down a notch with the slander and infighting. For people that make silly allegations, it makes them look rather rediculous.

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No I do not run a business. and not making enough money on the side to even make reference to one. But i understand what you are saying...but this thread was merely started to consider other people opinions of trading through the net.

which then got personal...after certain people decided to have a bash at it

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