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R33 Grinding/scraping Sound


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hey just wondering if from how i can best discribe it anyone would know what my problem could be. it kinda sounds like brakes that have sand on the discs or something. like a light grinding/scraping sound, seems to be coming from around the clutch area although i at first thought it was coming from my belts up front. any1 who understands wat i mean, figure it could be a common issue but not sure. would love some suggestions wat to check as i cant afford a mechanic right now. cheers

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nah sorry i just meant the sound was similar, dont think it has anything to do with brakes. it happens the whole time the cars on, during idle and while driving. not really sure where to start

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Those questions ^^^ as well as..

When u depress clutch pedal?

Doing burnouts?

Spun bearing..

Water pump/pulley bearing..

Viscous hub..

Metal-metal = pads

wheel bearing/s..

Upload a vid man.

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when it first started happening it would stop when i put the clutch in, apart from that the clutch seems fine. the brakes are all good. havnt done any burnouts but as far as the rest goes im not too sure. i got a video that mite help but im having trouble uploading it. i click attach file and it starts to load then we the bar fills up it just stops there and wont attach...

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yeah a mate of mine said it was the thrust bearing, rekns its quite cheap to fix too. if u could pass on any links or ideas on how i replace it thatd be great. thanks for all ya advixe mate apreciate it

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Hey man,

Its all good, i need advise too in my thread, and i know what its like when no1 will help you out, i got like 100 or so views with no1 sayin nothing...

Pretty intense job, the gear box has to come off, and while your there u might as well do the clutch. We sell Xtreme clutches at my work if u need a price, probably get the bearing with it..

I done a clutch by myself 1 night and didn't work out too well, i couldn't figure out how to put the clutch fork back on and had a mate come over and finish for me. Depends how good you are swinging a wrench, i have big hands and some of the bolts on the back of the box are a bitch lol..

But yeh glad too help bud,


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cool, sounds like it mite cost me a bit more than i liked :( mite just take it to my mechanic and see wat he says. just sucks coz i got a track day coming up and dont really wanna have something break. i did my clutch bout a year ago so itl suck if i gotta replace it., cost me $900. oh well thanks again for ya help, hopefully i can work it out soon

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