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Diet And Work Out


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Hi guys first time I have even looked at this section.

Hoping somebody out there can help with what I should or shouldnt be eating etc. Basically what Im looking to do is to strip fat and build muscle. At the moment I have gone out and bought myself Hydroxycut Hardcore Pro Series fatburner capsules and also Genetix Nutrition Lean Whey protien powder which came with a free Creatine.

So far what Im contemplating is having the shake in the morning and maybe some toast and eggs for breakfast, then getting those individual tuna portion things for something to snack on during the day with the shake for lunch, followed by either fish, chicken or the like at dinnertime.

Open to suggestions on dietry advice.

With the workout side of things at the moment I dont really have any free weights at home, however I have a sit up bench, exercise bike and a homegym (with the pulley system)

As I am at the moment I am 185cm and 80kg. Flabby around the mid a fair bit tho. So any advice on how to start stripping this fat and bulk on some muscle would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for anyhelp you can give guys.


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1.) see if you can get a refund on the stuff you purchased.

2.) every meal you have, make sure it has an animal and 3 different coloured vegetables in it.

3.) do resistance training 3 times a week - weights - choose the biggest bang for buck movements that involve the most muscles.

You're in brisbane.

If you want to chat to people who can help you better than the internet I'm happy to introduce you to them.

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sure I do.

from your post it seems like you are completely new to fitness/lifting/diet

in which case, no I don't.

I don't ever recommend Hydroxycut Hardcore Pro Series fatburner capsules or creatine.

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GT what is it that you actually do?

I have to agree fatburner capsules for a beginner who isnt looking to compete in comps seems like a waste.

Don't know if I agree about not having a protein shake all that can do is help?

For the OP its all about calories out vs calories in. High protein low carb diets work a treat but you have to keep at them. I would also recommend doing some sprint training. My cousin did it for awhile and he managed to strip heaps of fat whilst retain some good size.

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As i said i am open to suggestion so far it was just something recommended by guys at work who from what I have heard are fairly in the know. However with the way our rosters work I dont get to catch them often. Im also looking into some MMA for extra fitness as well.

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1.) see if you can get a refund on the stuff you purchased.

2.) every meal you have, make sure it has an animal and 3 different coloured vegetables in it.

3.) do resistance training 3 times a week - weights - choose the biggest bang for buck movements that involve the most muscles.

You're in brisbane.

If you want to chat to people who can help you better than the internet I'm happy to introduce you to them.

This x1000.

Although I would have said lift at least 4 times a week, but that doesn't really make much difference. It's all in the diet, if you mess around with your diet and don't be strict with it then you will fail. If you are strict with your diet but skip a few training sessions every now and then you will still be ok. Can't out exercise a bad diet but you can out diet bad exercise.

You also want to be doing your compound lifts (bang for buck movements, as GTST said) at the start of your training session. It's fine to go onto isolation training afterwards if you want to, but rock the deadlifts/squats/clean and press, etc first, always. And always go as hard as you can, don't mess around at the gym. Just go until you can't move anymore, muscular failure is where it's at. Form > weight as well, make sure you have the right technique before you try increasing the weight.

With your diet, I recommend counting calories for the first few weeks. It's tedious, but it's honestly the only way to know you are doing it right, it's so easy to consume too much. I don't recommend high fat low carb or high protein low carb, etc. etc. diets at all, you need all of the nutrients and they all = calories, so just watch your calorie intake. I'd aim for a 40/40/20 split of carbs/protein/fat.

Edited by Hanaldo
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Hey feel free to PM me and I can have a chat in more detail About what you do etc. What you are aiming for, do you have a timeframe. What you eat now, anything you can it can't eat. I work with some guys that deal with suppliments so I will also have a chat to them :-) I peesonally use OxyElite, Xtend and a Whey protein. My aim atm is to strip fat.

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you dont need protein supplements to strip fat, as some of the others have suggested count calories, average male uses 1800-2500calories a day approx, so eat that amount or slightly less and workout every second day...

I run of a morning 5Km, fitness ball afterwards, and if Im in 'yeah I'll pay for gym for a bit' mode Id go three times a week starting on running or bike get heart rate up to 160 (25mins each) then move onto weights

a personal training I know suggested doing 100m sprints then ground exercises, situps, pressups, star jumps etc... dont stop for breath in between sprints and ground exercise, repeat until you cant do anymore, again every second day...

I usually get rid of my fat in 4-7months, but Im pretty lean anyway, but I get a bit lazy once the fats gone and start having eating & drinking fun and back it comes...

after fat is gone then work the cardio as much as you want, still calorie count to a point, but you can then work on building muscle and you'll actually see the real muscle not muscle with a layer of fat...

it'll be slightly different for everyone... protein shakes and crap simply arnt needed to burn fat, if you taking in protein and NOT burning it off it will become fat...

so strip your intake and exercise, easy...!

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you dont need protein supplements to strip fat, as some of the others have suggested count calories, average male uses 1800-2500calories a day approx, so eat that amount or slightly less and workout every second day...

I run of a morning 5Km, fitness ball afterwards, and if Im in 'yeah I'll pay for gym for a bit' mode Id go three times a week starting on running or bike get heart rate up to 160 (25mins each) then move onto weights

a personal training I know suggested doing 100m sprints then ground exercises, situps, pressups, star jumps etc... dont stop for breath in between sprints and ground exercise, repeat until you cant do anymore, again every second day...

I usually get rid of my fat in 4-7months, but Im pretty lean anyway, but I get a bit lazy once the fats gone and start having eating & drinking fun and back it comes...

after fat is gone then work the cardio as much as you want, still calorie count to a point, but you can then work on building muscle and you'll actually see the real muscle not muscle with a layer of fat...

it'll be slightly different for everyone... protein shakes and crap simply arnt needed to burn fat, if you taking in protein and NOT burning it off it will become fat...

so strip your intake and exercise, easy...!

Yeh most supplements are a waste of time. I use whey and creatine as a way of boosting my recovery, using them for anything else is pretty pointless.

Good HIIT routine suggested there by your personal trainer, anything that is high intensity is a gold mine. I don't bother with endurance stuff anymore, sprints and high intensity training is the go :D

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The fact is, you have not given any information of your current status.

Have you lifted before?

What is your actual goal?

How much time and effort are you willing to put in?

Do you want to get strong or just lose weight?

Do you want to be able to sprint 100m in under 11 secs?

What's the plan stan???

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Well mate to be honest im willing to put in whatever it takes to get where i wanna be.

Basically i wanna bulk up and tone up, get the strength and the appearance as well. not really sure how else to describe it.

as for lifted before, a little not to much. not really out to be able to sprint either i can train myself to run. its more size and strength im after

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also i took a pic to show what im starting as that really does need fixing but it wont upload keeps saying no file chosen. I'll retry tomorrow i cbf at this time of night.

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GT what is it that you actually do?


I'm a VMware administrator.. and part time internet know it all.. why?

Chubs - is Northgate close to you? If so, or even if it's not, can I suggest you make a treck out to it on Saturday?

There is a powerlifting comp this saturday.

not saying you should do powerlifting (you should though.. lol ) but I'll introduce you to a coach there that can give you proper guidance.

let me know if you are keen - here or PM is fine.

PS - at 185 and 80kg, you are what I would call skinny fat (in regards to not much muscle but a little belly fat.

all you need to worry about is building strength and muscle.

not losing weight.

the gut will go while building muscle I assure you.

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I'd be inclined to listen to GTST on this one, if youre just starting out or close to, a lot of these supplements will be a waste of time and money. Many of them are a waste of time and money even for experienced lifters.

Whole foods in balance, consistently good sleep and training 3-4 days a week with good form and consistency will get you well on your way to reaching your goals.

His offer for you to meet a few experienced blokes in the know is also invaluable, as you can avoid wasting, potentially, months or even years with unrealistic expectations. Talking to someone with exp. face to face and getting their advice will help with goal setting (and achievement), to no end.

Good on you for making the change of lifestyle though. Good luck with it

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thanks mate :) sadly my work schedule is about to get insane :( will be making do with my home equipment and some im possibly borrowing for now. Been speaking to Melly who is going to help me out with a few programs for now and im gonna start a weeks food diary tomorrow. Once my time frees up a bit tho GTST i will definately take you up on that offer as i dont really know many people who train these days.

My end goal (and yes i do understand how unrealistic some may see it) is as close to a John Cena style build as i can get for my frame. I do understand that this will = insane dedication and effort but something along those lines is where ive always wanted to be and have just been to lazy. And no I dont intend on any "geared" help to get where i want to be hence the as close to part as im still unsure if he is a juicer.

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Also just to randomly throw it out there if anybody in Brisbane who has equipment and is willing to teach and maybe looking for somebody to train with let me know.

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there is a youtube clip of John Cena.

it was like a profile video.

it is from when he was trying out for the WWE.

It shows him doing his shopping for food.

I strongly suggest searching for it..

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