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Aftermarket steering wheel law?


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Hey guys new here, ive been searching for hours and havent gotten a solid answer. 

im thinking of buying an r32 gtst just wondering if i am able to have an aftermarket steering wheel on it?

ive heard different things such as “if the car has an airbag originally you can’t remove it” and “if it was optional you can remove/replace it” or “adr approved stickers” and “adr approved but still illegal” or “adr testing + certificate”

tried googling if r32 gtst had airbags as optional but still no solid answers.

what if you bought any car in general, private or imported already without an airbag?

very confused. QLD

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Can't tell you for QLD.  Can tell you that in SA my car sailed through a full Regency inspection with a Momo wheel that is clearly marked (on the back) "Not for Road Use".

Why do you not look into the documentation provided by the very government agency that you would be expecting approval from?  That's the smart way to do this.  Cut through the mixed answers.

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As far as I am aware in QLD the steering wheel must be within 20mm or 30mm +/- the original wheels diameter, must have padding on the spokes, must be 'ADR' compliant, cannot have a flat bottom and as you have mentioned, if it previously had a airbag, then the new one must also.


Source: Have been pulled over for an illegal steering wheel about 10 years ago and this is what I was told at the time

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