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Rev limiter?


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Ive searched through the forums and cant find anything that could explain what ive come across... in 5th gear my r33 gtst s1 rev limits at 5000 it bounces and wont go any further,im past 180kph as well so its not speed limiter plus this never happans in any other gear only 5th?? Has anyone come across this before?

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are u sure you have had the speed limiter removed


when the limiter cuts in, the car will indicate well past 180...

at about 5 grand is actually 180 in a r33 gts-t so i would say it is the speed limiter.

i hope you are testing this on a private road :D

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Hrmm well the speed varies whether going uphill or downhill when im hitting 5000 in 5th which is when its cutting.....i thought the speed limiter cut the revs when it got to exactly 180kmph this is why i thought it may be something different because im going well past 180 downhill in 5th doing 5000revs...on a PRIVATE ROAD yes... =]

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Yup sounds to em like its the speed limitor,i used sams gear ratio calculator and it adds up thanks.

NOW how do i get rid of it? ive heard things about cutting wire 53?? is this right and where do i find it?

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My RSM reports my top speed to be 190kph.. The 5000 rpm limit will be either boost or more likely speed cut.

Fix it by getting a defender or aftermarket management. I dont really think you have to tho for most things, the only time you get past 190kph is at EC.

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