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Prices of Cefiros


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I think it is because big car dealers don't like the secondhand market. They pay off the politicans so they make the rules to suit them.

Consider this. A Toyota is not lcoally made. It is fully imported. You want power windows on that corolla well the base model does have it and to get power windows you have to go up a model. Why because they are fully imported. You could add power windows to the base model but that costs $250 per door and then you are left with a "plug" in the door where they have to plug up the hole where the standard wind winder was. Why because it's fully imported.

If Toyota don't want to offer a flexible model range then expect people to import the car they actually want that Toyota couldn't be bothered bringing in.

Don't punish the user for wanting something more than what they can get locally when the model they want is offered overseas. The government should be incensting the manufacturing to offering more choice.

Just my 2c. :rolleyes:

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I can see the reasons why the govt is cranky at the 15 year rule and the previous sevs system. it long term stuff

you young guys go out and buy better value imports with more gizmo's and gadets and power amd less klms than locally produced stuff. then when your an old fart like me and your looking for a car you dont but a dunny door or a foulcan you buy an imported nissan cause that where you have your great memories from . so they are looking long term as well as short term.

just be thanks full we can enjoy these cars now I know for sure i am


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