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I am organising a FAQ section somewhere this forum (as soon as I have Blessing of the Other admims)...


From simple stuff to more experence stuff,

Breaks & Rotors Spercifications For R31 R32 R33 R34...etc

ENGINES specifications RB20DET, RB25DET, RB26DETT..etc

OIL & Fuel FILTER specifications/ Part numbers

How to do this and that

After market Turbo.....etc you get the general Idea.

it is real annoying when people ask same questions over and over and over like eg.what breaks are good etc..etc.

or what is the part number for oil filter for R33 R32 R31 etc..etc.

so the secions that people can go and have look at first at this section, then they'll obtain infomation they are looking for ASAP rather than clogging up the other help forume with these common questions..etc

also Please SEND me or POST the any relavant infomations that you think it wuld be usefull to others... :)

ps.also I know there are other LINKS/ Member's web site contains SKYLINE infomation please post your link here!:D

This section would be benefit for all so please Help US TO HELP YOU! :uh-huh:



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Differences between models - and how to spot them (ideally with photos)

eg: Series I, II and III R33 GTR and Vspec differences. But with detail - saying the VSpec has ATTESSA Pro is one thing - but how can you tell?

That sort of thing would be very useful :)

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yer i fink its a good idea. on the nissansilvia.com site they have the specs for the silvias, eg which break pads, spark plugs, etc to use and their part no. makes it easier for servicing and parts.

but i've pretty much got all the number of parts i need from this forum.

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Guest Nismo_Freak

I know quite a bit about the SR20DETs and swapping info on them ... I have already written a decent FAQ on them on another website if you would like to include it for some reason.

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its alright greame they all want to re invent the wheel.

btw at the moment I'm doing a full feature on what mods to do and which order to do them in alot of it is done already, its is fairly comprehensive. it will be updated frequently should be completely finished in a week or 2.

this is the start of it


you were saying ta out the r33's well here is the page with most of the data http://www.meggala.com/r33main1.html

yuou will find its fairly comprehensive


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