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New & Old R34 Owners


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In reply to R34GTX:

I purchased my 34 in late May 2003. Due to my brokers initial delays in getting an import approval my car’s approval and compliance was handed over to a guy on the Gold Coast to take over and the car I think landed in November of that year.

Late '03 early '04 the government still needed to compile data on the 34 model and my car was sent to Ford HQ in Victoria to be measured and photographed to ensure 34’s met ADR standards for wheelbase, driving height, suspension etc…(apparently some of the photos in the SEVS 34 manual are of my car – Hooray for me) At that stage the Government still needed side intrusion tests and were importing a 34 to smash it; so I still had a wait on my hands as test results and analysis weren’t going to be overnight.

To cut a long story short; after over 12 months of waiting and shit from my mates for supposedly being ‘duped’ into buying an imaginary car; my 34 was officially plated on the 02/06/04. As I understand it, a guy in Sydney complied the first 34 in Oz a month or two before mine. The company on the Gold Coast (Iamshe) who complied my car told me they were the only workshop at the time in Qld with 34 plates, hence it was the first 34 in Qld to be plated.

It might not be the first, it doesn’t really matter. The car was hand picked by Mark Hocking in Japan to be a test R34 under the new SEVS laws, so at the end of the day I received a stock 34 with an honest 50K km’s in excellent condition. It was complied with every ‘i’ dotted and every ‘t’ crossed and underwent the scrutiny of three DOTARS inspectors sent up from Canberra.. Thankfully now my 34 sits registered and insured in my garage and I love every minute of driving it (exceptions when misfiring – soon to be eradicated).

As anyone who has/is impoted/ing will testify; importing can be an absolute bitch. For most who have finished the journey its totally worth it (even 12month of waiting).

If people are still keen to meet up, I’m looking at a time after Easter; maybe a Monday night (I hate Mondays, so it would a least a break the sad routine). I 'm not asking for 34's only, drive your mums corolla if you need to, but it'd be nice to get some 34's along. Post your thoughts

Some pics of my pride’n’joy.

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Hi :wassup: all great to see yet another 34 owner appearing "sweet".

Any info your chasing let me know just PM me it's certinally makes life easier. And I'll be ready for the next meet. Turbo should be back on this week.



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OK we have quite a list now! This is sounding better and better by the moment :(

Not to put a damper on non-R34 owners but this is the master list of those Brissy R34 Owners who are interested in doing a met up every so often. (other liners or forum members are obviously welcome at any time)

So far we have:





Pear(waiting for the 34 like me :) )




Think of the photo oportunities with this lot, gets me very excited!

If we can all agree on the best way to organise this, that would be great. Mobile numbers are great but not everyone may want to provide them online etc?

Otherwise I had an Idea that involved creating a new post with all of these details, get it 'STICKY' by the SAU mods under the 'Queensland' thread and from there we can keep track of meets and post meet discusions in that thread.

Using the one thread it would be best if we plan meets fortnightly or monthly. Everyone should have sufficient time to get their cars and themselves organised that way ;) . What does everyone think? VOTE now or forever hold your peace!

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Otherwise I had an Idea that involved creating a new post with all of these details, get it 'STICKY' by the SAU mods under the 'Queensland' thread and from there we can keep track of meets and post meet discusions in that thread.

Thats what the QLD forum is for... Hell use this thread if you want... I see no need for a sticky for just 34 owners...

Honestly I think you'll have better success creating a new thread for each meet you want to have rather than an ongoing thread...

By all means though, organise your 34 specific meets... Just don't expect the rest of the QLD members to show too much interest... Although I could always borrow Dad's 34 GTR Vspec for the night... Would that be welcome??? :wassup:

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I'm always up for a variety of cars turning up to any meet (special props to 31 owners here), more the merrier. It would be a good idea to either join an existing (ie. Wed night cruise) or organise a cruise with everyone involved, just as long as those with 34’s make an effort to turn up.

I don’t see much merit in a sticky thread as ‘strutto’ pointed out it is easier to keep track of and organise meets/cruises with a new thread. . I personally can’t guarantee consistent involvement in a fortnightly event due to other commitments I have.

Now, in reply to those having a ‘dig’ at the thread:

As for everyone who’s having a cry about the ‘34’s only’ thread. Yes, this thread (as it is clearly titled) is largely intended for 34 owners, (obviously) not to say anyone with an interest can’t post up their 2c . As I stated before this in this thread it was intended to lend some help to those with 34 models and (strangely enough) offer a “FORUM” to discuss mods/workshops and parts for 34’s as they differ in certain areas to other models and can also respond differently to mods. I was trying to encourage 34 owners to post thoughts/meet up and be able to discuss their cars at a venue some time in the future.

If your in doubt about my intentions of this thread for 34’s, read earlier posts and quote were anyone has said meets should be ‘34’s only’, in fact only posts to the contrary can be found. I’m personally happier with a variety of rides at any meet. In any case, you can shoot me for hoping some 34’s could get together.

If you want to see this thread as some ‘elitist group’ and not turn up to events, then fine, you got it wrong – that’s your problem. I’m not going to try and explain this thread again to those who want to complain.

People, pull it together. Personally I’d rather be bitching about tax on beer, shite import laws and speed cameras. I thought we were open to better discussions than whats been going on.

Happy Skylining everyone.

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Fair points Clinton... Take most of our comments with a grain of salt... We just like hanging shit where ever possible...

If you want specific 34 modification info, I think you'll get alot more info by posting in say the Forced Induction or Skyline Specific sections... That way the 34 owners in other states are more likely to get involved...

Re the 34 meets, I leave it to you guys... No bitch from me...

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Gotta agree with Clinton on this one, get over it people!! Dont' anyone confuse the issue here either. I'm the biggest Skyline fan in the world and yes that includes ALL SKYLINES and even ALL RB Powered vehicles. Anyone who has the mentallity that us 'R34 owners' dont care about other skyline owners in these forums, gee maybe you shouldn't jump to such conclusions.

My house is filled to the brim with Skyline memorabilia that would make your head spin!!! (its basically a museum) Infact most of my photos are 'Original' Bathurst Prints of the 31's and 32's. I have no photos of R33's or R34's on display in my home! Further to this I have personally owned 4 RB powered vehicles myself. Fistly I bought a 86 Model VL commodore executive (powered by the Nissan RB30 Engine) then I sold it and bought a 87 VL Calais Turbo commodore (powered by the turbo RB30 Nissan Engine) sold that and bought a 94 R33 4 Door Turbo and have now have just purchased my 98 R34 4 Door Turbo (see I have two childeren and must have four door vehicles incase your wondering) and I still dream of owning a 4 Door GTR (wish, wish)

The point of mentioning all of the above is that some of us have infact owned many nissan powered vehicles and like everyone else in here, we are just excited to talk about the current vehicle we own or are purchasing (which just so happens to be R34's for those of us in here) I personally wouldn't go into a thread like this one based on R33's or just GTR's and start making a scene like some people here have. Anyway nuff said on this silliness.

Sorry Clinton if you feel I have hi-jacked your thread mate, it was not my intention but like you said you wanted a topic where R34 owners could discuss mods, plan 'meet ups' etc. For those who are still interested in planning a meet, I can not see any reason why we shouldn't do so. I personally would love to get some photos with a car park full of 34's (once again nothing against those who dont own one, gee seems crazy that I should have to justify such a simple idea).

If you want specific 34 modification info, I think you'll get alot more info by posting in say the Forced Induction or Skyline Specific sections... That way the 34 owners in other states are more likely to get involved...

Just on this point made by Strutto, I would also like to comment. Myself and others like Firefrog have made numerous posts in the 'Forced Induction' thread to get ideas on Mods etc. and have gratefully recieved advise on these matters.

However I am sure you would agree there is no substitute for finding and meeting people in your local area (ala Brisbane) with the same car who have already done some or all of the modifications that you are planning to do. A classic example is the loudness and performance of different exhausts. If I have the opportunity to hear a specific one for myself and maybe even get a referal to someone local I would be over the moon! Just my 2c tho.


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In all honesty i think this thread has just turned into a bitch fest..(which isn't unusual), If you guys are chasing info its always available in forced induction etc as adrian said. If you want info from QLD members post a thread about it and they will help. I think the main problem here is the fact that there have been a few "r34 only" threads lately and ppl are getting annoyed. Even though your not necessarily intending to make it 34 only, that is obviously the way its going to be perceived when it has that in the title. Perhaps this thread should die a natural death and if you want info or want to organise a cruise do so, but start another thread.


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there have been a few "r34 only" threads

"r34 Only" threads. Sorry can't say I've seen even one like it.

that is obviously the way its going to be perceived when it has that in the title

The title of this thread is "New & Old R34 Owners" the thread is obviously labelled like this so it describes who the thread might be relevant too, ie: "R34 owners" = People who own R34's that can come in and share their personal experiences etc. I see no reason why this should offend anyone, I mean honestly, its perfectly logical!!

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"r34 Only" threads. Sorry can't say I've seen even one like it.


The title of this thread is "New & Old R34 Owners" the thread is obviously labelled like this so it describes who the thread might be relevant too, ie: "R34 owners" = People who own R34's that can come in and share their personal experiences etc. I see no reason why this should offend anyone, I mean honestly, its perfectly logical!!

ok, firstly there have been some threads about 34 cruises etc, not saying that they intended them to be 34's only and one ive been on personally just saying they are percieved badly. Secondly this thread has served its purpose of helping out ppl and if there is something specific about 34's that someone wants to know..fine. But as can been seen it's just turning into a bitch fest..meh i dont want to argue its obvious whats happening and why.

leave it at that.


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