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Just went Skydiving.. highly recommended.


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hey just went skydiving this morning and damn its a must do for everyone even if you got fear of hieghts.

did it with skydive express out in York cost $350 got a 10% group diso**** cause there were 6 of us.

highly recommend it to all.

side note:

got pulled over on the polly farmer freeway on the way back, i was over taking some guy who slowed down and then switched lanes abruntly. Police car in front saw me in the rear view as i was passing so got pulled over.

didn't get a ticket, he checked out under the bonnet but i had permits so he had a quick look.

Permits made a big difference, no 5th degree stuff, just sat back in the seat and let him have a look. he didn't make any mention of the exhaust which i don't have a permit for but its not that loud.

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Way to mis-spell discount jxl, was wondering wtf was happening for a minute. My mum went skydiving about a month ago, she still gets a buzz of it. She got a dvd of it (paid like over $300 to get it, because the person had to jump too), and watches it at least once every couple of days. Absolutely loved it.

re your side note, were you speeding when you passed?? As in technically speeding, 85 in a 80 zone, or were you being a naughty boy doing about 100kph??

Would have sucked seeing the cop going slower & slower as you come up to him, knowing he was going to pull you over.

At least you had permits though. I am importing a car with some mods, so I will get incredible shit if I don't get them, even if they aren't major mods.

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oh crap hahah didn't realise the typo well now you know what happens when you mix just 2 letters.

yeah couldn't afford the DVD its $100 extra cause someone else jumps with you.

yeah prolly about 85 in a 80 zone i'd admit that but heck knows what the guy in front was doing and i ain't taking a rear ender that i'll be up shit creek with.

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Did you do a tandom jump? static line jump? or accelerated freefall?

the later is most expensive but the best - no big fat guy strapped to the back of you as there is with tandom, and static line theres no freefall - boring :cheers:

Soo much to take in when you do it tho, you just get so overwellmed..

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I went skydiving a couple of years ago and reccommend to any1. I must admit i was/am a bit scared of heights, but when your up there it doesnt seem real so i found it real easy to jump. Best rush, i did tandem in pinjarra but want to do a jump by myself next time for sure

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