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SKYLINES AUSTRALIA - NSW 2nd Annual Show and Shine 17th July 2005 (Everybody welcome)


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hey people

i have a tidy '92 r32 gtst thats pretty much stock and very average except 18's...no engine mods at all. :Oops: would i be laughed at if i entered? i dont think my car is worthy of prizes i just wanna come and shine up my car with fellow 'liners!



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hey people

i have a tidy '92 r32 gtst thats pretty much stock and very average except 18's...no engine mods at all. :Oops:  would i be laughed at if i entered? i dont think my car is worthy of prizes i just wanna come and shine up my car with fellow 'liners!



Of c0urse y0u wouldnt!!!

I have a totally riced up R33 GTS and if anything i will get laughed @!!!


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hey people

i have a tidy '92 r32 gtst thats pretty much stock and very average except 18's...no engine mods at all. :Oops:  would i be laughed at if i entered? i dont think my car is worthy of prizes i just wanna come and shine up my car with fellow 'liners!



That is the main idea of the day, a chance to get your car all shined up and then park it somewhere safe were you can answer a few questions perhaps from some budding young skyline enthuiasts, or older ones, and meet people from the club and forum with out having to drive and talk on a CB. :rofl:

Sound like fun!

And there is no way that you will get laughed at... remember... safety in numbers :P


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Gday guys,

Checked out the entry form and did not see the category of "Best factory green R33", let alone the sub-category of "with stock Series 1 body and wheels".

I could go on but, what the heck, we are going to be there and I reckon we can pay $10 to park it in full view.

There may even be some interest. You never know.


El Bee

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and I heard a rumour you'll be at the drag day the weekend after too ;)

You better believe it ! :uh-huh:

Added a few little bits since last time and hoping to approach respectable times this time around. :kewl:

Hope to catch up with you and a few others at both these events. :wavey:

All the best.

El Bee

ps. Was "this close" to spectating at the track last weekend but unfortunately judged the weather to be unfriendly. Sounds like you tore the track up with the lightweight rear window. :crazy:

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Bit late I KNOW......but a good chance I'll be there with the '72 GT-R copy. I'll try and beg my case with the organising powers tomorrow. Question is....will there be two silver grey KGC10's on show?? What about some older stuff, Prince Skylines, 240K's?? Anybody know of any likely to show?...I hope so!


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Ahh dat's goot. I better give 'im a call and see if he wants to travel in ....unison ;)

...KGC10......... not casey :crazy:

Thanks, Jim.

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Time to say Thanks!

The effort that the committee has put into this event is huge, and all in their own time, and all just for the love of the skyline... hell, some of the event committee don't even own a skyline anymore :confused:

So well done guys... with 40 plus pre entries and probably a fair few on the day you are to be congratulated for all your efforts and motivation thus far.

Thank you Team.


Dan Mackie



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