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Japan Bound


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As the title suggests, my mate and I are looking to go to Japan in late January or early Feb. (06)

I have looked at previous pages of stuff but a lot of the links don't work.

Basically want to go over for a few reasons;

1) hand pick a track car + another every day'a

2) Make a few contacts for future projects etc.

3) visit some tracks, and possibly get some 1 on 1 drift lessons.

4) visit some of the workshops etc.

Looking at spending around 10 nights in Japan. (enough time?)

All the sightseeing stuff were ok on, I can look at that on the web and in travel books etc.

Any one whos been there for similiar buisness I'd appreciate any help, or anyone in Japan.

We have 3 or 4 months, so id realy like to organise every thing properly. If you would like to email me some details do so at:

[email protected]

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hand pick a car "while" your in Japan for 10 days? good luck!!

10 days isnt enough time for auction cars, so you'll be limited to car yards.

personaly, I would try to find a dozen cars you'd want online or through an agent and use those 10 days only to test drive and see them; then finaly pick one to send off. Either way, your going to need an agent in Japan or friend to de-register the car, do other paperwork and send it off on the ship australia bound. In case you dont have the money TT'd to Japan in time you'll also need someone to complete the transaction.

if you have some serious money to spend on a serious track car you always have the option of the big name workshops but big names come with big price tags.

thing is.. do you or your friend speak any Japanese or do you have any friends that live in Japan with good language skills? most likely most ppl will have limited english ability if at all at the workshops.

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Sounds like you'd have your work cut out for you with only 10 days. I think most of that time would be chewed up with finding the cars you want.

In my opinion, go to Tokyo. The 4 points you listed would be better fulfilled there, except 2) and 3).

For 2) I don't know exactly what you mean by 'future projects', but if you're thinking about exporting or getting (any kind of) work done, it'd take more than a 10 day visit to build up the relationship you need to get any kind of commitment from Japanese people :D hehehe

For 3), visiting tracks is easy, but the '1 on 1' drift lessons might be a stretch. I'm not sure about Tokyo, an even in my old haunt of Osaka the guys there might be a bit iffy... just straight up ask? If you can actually get out to some illegal drifting I'm sure theres someone who'll give you a couple opf tips.

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Cheers for replies fellas.

I didn't realy think 10 days would be enough time, We'd like to go for a few weeks but not easy due to getting time off work as we both work at the same place.

Neither of us speak Japanese so yes, Im sure we will have some difficulties.

By future projects, we want to try and make a connection there.

Not personaly, but I know of a bloke there who would be our likely candidate, but I don't want to keep hounding at one bloke. Don't get me wrong, Im not looking at having commercial quantities comming across but every now and then Im going to want parts etc.

We heard of people picking up some tricked out s13's (track car) and what have you, for next to nothing, importers are only the tip of the ice berg. We'd like to see some yards and so on. I understand it's not a easy as to turn up, pay cash and wait for my car to arrive back in Australia.

We are going to like two kids in a candy store, the hard part I'd think is actualy choosing the car of choice, just when you think you've found the right car, turn the corner and theres another 20...

Money for the right car(s) is not a issue.. time to upgrade the 32.

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By future projects, we want to try and make a connection there. It would be nice to have someone who we can trust to purchase and send items. Not personaly, but I know of a bloke there who would be our likely candidate.

Not a Japanese fella then... it should be fine. Don't get me wrong, there are J-guys there who are extremely friendly and accomodating but when push comes to shove, in my experience they rarely follow through unless theres a solid financial benefit from the outset. (My attempt at not ruffling any feathers :))
We heard of people picking up some tricked out  s13's and what have you, for next to nothing, importers are only the tip of the ice berg. We'd like to see some yards and so on. I understand it's not a easy as to turn up, pay cash and wait for my car to arrive back in Australia. We are going to like two kids in a candy store, the hard part I'd think is actualy choosing the car of choice, just when you think you've found the right car, turn the corner and theres another 20...

Money for the right car is not a issue.. time to upgrade the 32.

Also I wouldn't bet on a heap of cars that appeal to you being all in the one place! Unless you go to a dealer like GT Net, you might find that the car you want will be on the other side of the country like Kyushu or up Sendai way. It's a bit hard to advise you in the best possible way, so thats why I said Tokyo, because Yokohama and Chiba are justa stones throw :) away. It's central in the grand scheme of things too.

In my car buying experience in Japan, it boiled down to being in the right place at the right time, and letting friends/aquaintences know what kind of car you're after well in advance... have the auctions and Yahoo as backup...

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why not contact a broker - some are willing to help you out a fair bit while you are over there, and that gives you access to auctions (mainly restricted to certain areas, eg tokyo). While there is a cost involved, they benefit from it, and you will also have a much more enjoyable stay :)

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if you got a contact in japan just ask him/her to do a prelim research on the yards near where you will be staying so by the time you go there perhaps there are something you might like...

or some places will have cars online like Great Company in Yokohama.


good luck.

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3) visit some tracks, and possibly get some 1 on 1 drift lessons.

This will be difficult, Ive experienced first hand trying to give tips to freinds and as my Japanese is sketchy it becomes very difficult to tell them what they are doing wrong or what they should be doing. Im yet to meet a single good driver that can speak english at all :P

Getting a ride may not be that hard but getting any kind of lesson where communication is needed is gonna be pretty hard.

Dont be discouraged though, I came here to drift for 6months to a year originally and that was over 2 years ago and I have no plans of heading home yet :D

Unfortunately the street scene has died here over the past 6 months (atleast in Osaka) but there are still many cars making the rounds in the mountains... I havent seen a 300+ car street drift meet for a while though :D

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  Unfortunately the street scene has died here over the past 6 months (atleast in Osaka)

Yeah it was a bit disappointing the last time I went out there with Gojira and Savalas. Going back 5 years ago it was positively huge... don't take this the wrong way Jesse - I think it's a valid point - do you think the 'Gaijin invasion' has anything to do with it? I know foreigners have been coming there in dribs and drabs for years now, but I think you and Laurence are the first guys to do it consistently long term (?)

... sorry a bit OT...

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fear the gaijin!! LOL

nah the cops have been taking video footage and catching up with ppl later on. So alot of ppl have been scared off cause of that.

I just hide my plates and (touch wood) have never recieved a letter/phone call...

If you ask me I think Japanese drifters need a taste of some Aussie cops to toughen them up a bit!!

edit: actually most of the guys out there are very interested in foriegners drifting on their home turf and Ive made most of my freinds here through street drifting... only a few get competitve about it.

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Any more tips and places to see I'd appreciate. Like I said I've got a few months to play with so the more I can nut out now, hopefully I can have a nice easier experience while over there.

Rezz, I know that all cars won't be in one big single place, thats why Im anoyed to be only going for 10 days. Like you say, it's been at the right place at the right time for the right car, but knock on wood thats where Im going to be. Even if I came back with out a car at least I would have had a awesome time and have a fair idea where to search when we come home, plus have a better idea of the local market 'as such'.

Im not looking to buy the first car that catches my eye, Id take a punt and say that the odds will be with us to find one. If I find a track car thats very decent for cheap Im not going to be too fussy! Differant story for my street car.

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Hey R32's,

I'm also goign to Japan early Feb of '06 and trying to find out what to do. Unlike you guys i'm not going to buy a car....just to look. Could anyone tell me how to find out where and when any drift events would be on???? Or if anyone who lives over there knows of any good street drifitng that they've seen and/or could take me to :P

Just trying to get a feel for Japan..any other places you guys would reccomend??



P.S: I'm already goign to the winter festival in Sapporo so no need to include that one :)

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i think it would depend on where you guys go... saying going to japan is as broad of a topic as foreigners saying "im coming to australia and want to get with the australian culture, where is a good place to go"....

let us know at least what city you intend to stay then some of the local guys can direct you in the right direction.

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