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Everything posted by sama1500

  1. More fuel is burnt, more exhaust flow, faster spool up, so it should make a noticable difference. I'm not too worried about lag honestly especially with my setup right now (standard rb25 turbo and usual supporting gear) mainly want to go E85 just because of the extra power across the entire powerband. Gone through most of both threads already. Believe me if i was in the position to i'd be dropping an rb25 in without a moments hesitation haha, its crazy how much power they can make with minimal mods, why didnt nissan put the rb25 in the 32 from the start
  2. I'm currently running 98 with a few mods and no tune whatsoever so I've always planned on getting the car tuned anyway. The main downsides of e85 are it goes off quickly, bad fuel economy and not available everywhere. I daily my car, dont usually drive far distances and have a pump close to home so its not that much of a downside for me. In addition e85 is cheaper than 98 so the bad fuel economy and fuel costs should even out especially considering my car is currently running rich. So in my eyes its worth it, I'm also considering a turbo upgrade in the future and E85 will help lag and as we all know a laggy rb20 makes for a horrible street car. So the only extra cost really is the injectors which is not too bad
  3. cheers will do, i plan on running the car on just e85 all the time anyway so flex fuel isnt the biggest priority but i suppose it would be nice to have
  4. awesome, do i need anything else for a flex fuel setup?
  5. now just need to know if i need an fpr
  6. i had no idea, now i feel like an idiot haha, well thats the injector question solved
  7. better safe than sorry though, plus I wont be needing 1000cc for the power level im chasing anyway, something in the 700's will be more than enough
  8. i've heard of those missileman and aware they're good however i'm wanting something in the 700cc range because i'll be using a nistune and its recommended not to go above 800cc, also compared to the denso they're about 200 extra
  9. that or a raceworks 340
  10. already have a walbro 255 fitted, plan on getting it tuned with the 255, if it gets close to maxing out i'll just go a 460
  11. So i'm going to be converting my car to e85 soon because theres a pump near my house and why not. Been looking at items for the fuel system which i'll need and have a couple of questions, will i need an fpr? if so any suggestions? Im looking at getting 700-800cc injectors, preferably on the cheaper side without needing an aftermarket fuel rail any suggestions? i've found these http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/121546852066?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIThowever it says they are to suit a top feed rail, is it possible to run a top feed with the standard intake plenum? sorry if they're noob questions, thanks!
  12. yep they still do, check their ebay store, and even though it doesnt have it as an option on the ebay store you can get them with a billet wheel and 9 blade turbine wheel (asked myself), im possibly getting one of these turbo's for my rb20 and just wondering what the response/power is like from people who have had one of these on their rb20
  13. yep i know, already talked to my local tuner about this and thats exactly what i plan on doing
  14. going by what you're saying the mamba turbo should spool faster than your kinugawa turbo with the smaller wheels and being ball bearing, if the housings are the same size it shouldnt be a problem for me then
  15. all thats left is nistune, turbo, z32 afm and injectors, have everything else, hardest part is selecting the right turbo really
  16. im already aware of the supporting mods i need, thanks anyway though
  17. yeah it holds 12psi up to 6 although beyond that i tend not to look at the boost gauge and at the road, thats pretty good although personally i'd like positive boost at 2.5 or less
  18. there is another version with a slightly smaller comp wheel, gtx3063r 47.1/63 trim 56, all other specs are the same
  19. i can deal with it being at full boost by 3500, put a boost guage in recently and turns out my rb25 turbo is hitting 12psi by about 3400 and 7 at 2800 so that was a bad call on my part, sounds interesting, need some supporting mods before i get my turbo anyway so if i havnt gotten a turbo before 6 months i'll have a look at that too, the only thing putting me off this mamba turbo is the 10cm turbine housing
  20. too much hassle to get an adaptor and custom dump honestly, i've seen the range sonic performance offers and its probably a bit too much for me price wise, R_34 is your rear housing a 10cm or 8cm?
  21. they do have this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/MAMBA-Ball-Bearing-Billet-Turbocharger-GTX2867R-Nissan-SR20DET-S13-S14-S15-A-R64-/171761474206?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item27fdc81a9e which is exactly what i would like except it only comes in bolt on for the sr20 which is extremely annoying
  22. it is tempting and seems good value for money, i was going to get a kinugawa td05 18g 8cm before i found this specs td05: Compressor wheel: 50.5/68 mm Turbine wheel: 49.2 / 56 mm 8cm housing journal bearing specs gtx3063r Comp. Wheel : 47.1 mm / 63 mm/Trim 56 (11+0 GTX Billet Wheel w/ Extend Tip) Turbine Wheel : 52 mm / 56.5 mm / Trim 84 ceramic dual ball bearing 10cm housing
  23. sorry to bring up this thread again however i have recently found out about mambatek turbos, they seem to be of the same quality of kando turbos and the same price range except ball bearing and have been looking at this turbo in particular: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/MAMBA-GTX-Ball-Bearing-Turbocharger-GTX3063R-Nissan-Skyline-GTR-R31-RB20DET-300P-/181736850896?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item2a505c45d0 not knowing much about turbos myself would someone please tell me how this would work out on an rb20 lag/power wise? would be a great help if possible thanks
  24. i'm looking at one of the following kinugawa turbos for my rb20 and was wanting to see the difference between boost/power/rpm mainly, if anyone has some that would be really helpful thanks!
  25. does anyone here have dyno graphs of the kando td05 18g and td05 16g on an rb20? ive been searching through and getting mixed results but not too many graphs, i'm considering getting one of these turbo's and would like to compare spool times mainly so boost/rpm/power graphs are much preffered, thanks
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