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Everything posted by Boostzor

  1. Sweet, been a while Joe, Sorry i removed you from my list cause ure sister kept signing in. Lebanon shouldnt be so bad id guess they are not running forward aide stations and all that other harsh stuff so im assuming you have a good working environment, well no QV1 but still. Good on ya for going over there, will be and interesting experience thats for sure, hopefully not too interesting Same job description? still ortho?
  2. He wasnt hammering it at all i dont think he was even going 60km/hr when he saw the corner, hes just a moron. Why "call someone" before youve even tried pulling it out? idiots.
  3. oi quit stealing my gifs
  4. Nahh man im just getting over the last yeast infection, maybe some other time mr evil ph.
  5. nope not buying it, not even for a dollar.
  6. yer im crapping my pants, ive never seen a guy taking a whizz behind a tree before, if the shot was lower you probably could have seen the stream.
  7. dude u can see his junk
  8. k time for 300 theme so funny cant stop now oka thatas enough for the 56kers
  9. ^^^based on that information you cant possibly go wrong
  10. Would be interesting to see if it actaully turns out as 3-4k not 5-6k in the end after youve done a few extra bits that always turn up. Just quietly i dont see the point in making a frankensteins monster but thats just me.
  11. ^^^ spot on there dan. is $70 even worth the effort?
  12. Navy blue..... you are gonna have to get in there with some hi temp paint just so ppl know you changed your pads
  13. No sir, i dont like it....... Yes you can argue that over teh past 5 years the above would have been a great strategy. In an academic sense though, there is zero diversification and while you still say volatility is relatively low, liquidity is too. This means that if you buy up now which some have said is nearing the top of this property boom you are left with either a huge loan to service or, if you sell, a huge capital gain to deal with. Using the equity is a great plan and yes i totally agree with that strategy but to buy more property... now... i, as i said before, dont like it C/N: Buy a home to live in =good. Buy a home for investment = bad. ps: if we see a year like the last for property ill eat my own hat *runs though house collecting all hats to give to salvos*
  14. Treu you can negative gear an investment property but if Sam is not making much of an income its unessacary, the govt cant give you free money maybe neutrally geared (renter pay same as loan repayments) would work but that would be interesting to see due to the fact that rental prices arent really in line with purchase prices unless you find a good deal, in which case 20k is only a 5% deposit on a below average 400k house. Then there is the capital gains tax that will be payable when he sells it which could be a nice chunk of change with nothing to write it off against. Not so bad if you plan to keep it a while i suppose. Then of course you will have worries with getting a loan under your own name and i would say your folks would have to go down as gaurantour for that debt. As long as you dont decided to have a 6 month holiday in teh next 5 years and have finshed studying you should be fine. or yer go see a financial adviser....read: disclaimer and no im not just pluggin my industry...
  15. I get what you are saying there tales but im not big on investment properties cause of the teh associates risk and tax implications. Unless you are living in your own house "sole residence" i think its better off elsewhere. Plus i dont think property will do as well as it has in the past. Doesnt seem possible.
  16. Well im glad i got into this one if a little late. Apart from tigeryas idea there have been few great ideas apart from "buy a house". I heartily endorse this plan without even looking at you in closer detail. The sooner you do this the better your midlife crisis car will be:D Direct shares if done well can make you a nice return, they can also make you lose ("loose" for teh gramatically impaired) everything and will require much time and effort plus sleepless night worrying about teh price of corn in soviet russia vs the molasses index in southern america. Still if i were your age id blow it on mods,hookers and blow and regret it later. Good thing you are asking for advice though. Wait are you working now full time?
  17. I agree with bendix but apart from teh fact the green stuf dissappears fast i thought they did well. Think the pads u want for a 33t are "race brakes rb26's" yer i know 26 is just a coincidence. Perth brake parts are teh place for them.9451 9455
  18. yer i do this all the time but i send other stuff. If you want to know what i send google image search "bandwidth" and its the 3rd entry. That way you can always see who gets it cause the look around wildly.
  19. Sweet thos drive pretty nice too from memory. This is the 4cyl model yer? ive only ever driven the 3.0 before but it felt good regardless of the lack of grunt.
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