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Angus Smart

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Everything posted by Angus Smart

  1. Live stream for fp1? looks like one hd wont be putting it on live.. but we knew that right.. also i heard one hd is closing down and changing to a channel like 7 Mate... rubbish!!
  2. Bets are in! lets hope the Russian in the Renault can do it again!
  3. I bought mine off Yahoo japan. took me a while to find one. and i had to take a gamble on hoping i could cut excess off to make mine work.. cost me 10 bucks.
  4. just rip out everything VQ and the slug auto box and shoe horn in a full gtr's running gear.. i dont think you'd have a problem getting it in at all.. will be a bit of fab work for mounts etc but nissan often surprise you with what fits.
  5. Is that what they turned that car into? i saw it only after it came from auction out the front of their shop.. i drive past daily and never saw it again
  6. Shit i am both of them! and sadly both are not working as expected
  7. 100% the gtr bov from a 32 fits. so all others will no doubt fit also.. the outlet is a different size however but a radiator hose fixes that.. Snap just realized the op date!! has anyone tried to check the clamps on the outlet of the bov??
  8. I just realized it is a season bet.
  9. My bet with webber beating hamilton home is still pending... will lewis get penalized for his under car damage??
  10. Whos going to be first to bin it?
  11. Ohh no the Teac winterbottom adds are back!
  12. These new wings are pretty cool watching them use them during practice today! just starting to get some full laps in now too. should be interesting! Would be nice if they do but i doubt it! netball is more important!
  13. Mine are in.. got no cash in sportsbet account so no real betting this year.
  14. i'll see what i can hustle thru my friend at vodafone about footage.. i should have gone he offered me some access passes
  15. I keep buying cars, and parts, her winging blends in with the constant ringing i have in my ears anyway.. win win!
  16. Hey, Dont think i am going to get these done anytime soon. i got all the parts to do the job.. but my mate (the fabricator) wont help me, and keeps ignoring it. Might be best to talk to scotty.. or go see Westside @ Padstow..(02) 9773 7244 that was the place that made the last lot.. however the guy who made them left there.. Liverpools was a split dump design, and was rather long wasnt quiet stock replacement style.. i think they may get you to buy a cat at the same time too... he was charging 800 or so tho yeah?
  17. Use google or other translate web based software. however you really need to re word alot of it to remove the engrish you end up with. and pray your pdf file is text written (selectable) and not photocopy..
  18. Found a website with a ton of High res photos! worth a look, might make you cry! http://www.mrhat.org/japan.php
  19. You can get around the password problems easily.. there was an app put up here a while back that does it for you. it can halp you out alot in regards to price.. fc hako charge 50 or so to do it also.. could be worth a shot if you cant find the other one from here..
  20. I can tell you they are a great Ecu.. i had mine running for over 2 years in the gtr, did you ask why they needed to tune from scratch? were they updating the firmware?? from what i know you cant tune older models on the newer software.. happen to know what colour dot (version) was under that front black face plate?? have a search around the forum you may find a few interesting things bout them.. you'd get at most 500 for the ecu if you pulled it out and sold it.. and it might take a month or so to move..
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