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Everything posted by Marco-R34GTT

  1. Apparently F1 are sissies these days according to captain chin! http://www.crash.net/f1/comments/157583/1/...ues_webber.html
  2. Having Brundle commentate and manage a driver is like Eddie Macquire calling Collingwood games, there is already an established bias, whether intended or not... I'm not saying Brundle is a bad manager, in fact I bet he would be rather good, but to do so whilst he is commentating does tarnish his ability to be totally partial..
  3. Bad enough when he was managing DC, and I actually LIKED DC....
  4. USF1 Officially dead... http://www.crash.net/f1/comments/157376/3/..._come_back.html Campos now going to be called Hispania: http://www.crash.net/f1/comments/157379/2/...razy_story.html
  5. I'm actually considering re-buying RTW on steam... The modding community is still super active and there are a large number of modifications that completely transform it... You guys tried any of them??
  6. Aawww no call to be a meany! I just recall hours and hours played the series... Should have been studying more in yr11 and 12, but no.... TW and Civ destroyed my education! Would be good to hit up a Multi campaign though, they've being trying to implement it since Viking Invasion IIRC.. As I said, didn't even buy Empire TW, did not even consider it.... Hopefully Nappy is a step in the right direction! For the record though, I moved my time from TW style games and have since become a big fan of Paradox Interactive. They are both quite in depth games, and executed very differently, but PI support is a whole lot better than CA/Sega..
  7. Was a huge fan of the TW series.... Literally played Medieval/VI to death! Invaded Scandi as the Saxons lol! Swabians & Huscarls FTW!!! Loved Rome, although not the glitches, with Rome I dedicated a lot of time to assisting several modifications, RTR, EB, Invasio Barbarorum and the Chivalry mod (I even participated in the Latin-voice mod hehe)... Enthusiasm curbed after I bought MedII though.... The fact CA couldn't even get Axemen/Halberds to work in game.... WTF? After which I played mods only... I didn't even by Empire, hardly crossed my mind in fact.. Multi campaign though........... Don't... Think........ I.... Can..... Re......sis.........t...... Might buy it on steam ey..
  8. Grand Prix weekend.... NNooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
  9. Michelin in talks to supply tyres from next year onwards. http://www.crash.net/f1/comments/156818/1/...f1_options.html
  10. Jones Stand, Row S, you f*cking beauty!!!! Going to watch Schumi chop some scheiser englander weiner! Ja!
  11. Goodfellas? Niiiiccceee!!
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqO6HERbUU0 OMG SCHUMIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. AUTOBAHNEN JA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :banana: :banana:
  14. Then they have decent roads and speed limits to boot...
  15. Try using L2 and R2 for brake and accel... It is easier to apply and regulate throttle/brake... It takes some getting used to tho! :-) Unleash the FUUUUURRRYYYY!!!
  16. True?? Just wondering (not to go too far OT). Wat is the Japanese system like?? Say, in comparison to ours, and more stringent ones, like Germany or Finland???
  17. Old car + slicks = Pr0n! btw, double and multi layer diffusers banned in 2011... http://en.espnf1.com/f1/motorsport/story/7254.html
  18. They should bring Rory Byrne out of retirement lol, just to complete the trifecta!
  19. I'd be more interested to see if Campos make it... Would like to see Lola back in F1... Far more worthy than the Malaysian Mutant that is PseudoLotus, or Campos for that manner.. Great to see Dick Banson finally getting in on the action tho!
  20. My best is a 1.39, low 1.39, and I cannot go any faster with a controller....
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