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Everything posted by NA_Goodness

  1. I could, but the switches would be all over the place, in random spots. I'd rather have them within easy reach all together in one spot. Is there a kind of putty or something I could fill it with? I'm planning on painting it anyway
  2. yeh, i reverse in as well. But I can drive up onto the neighbours verge and reverse in. My aim is about 100mm (or 10mm :-)!!) at the kit. I'll try practising my angles, and my verge and my neighbours verge are all paved, so I can take up as much room as I could. I hate speed bumps as it is, and try to avoid them as much as possible. Just have to avoid places like Hillaries, where you can't go around the bumps. I'd prefer to have some sort of height adjustment, but oh well, you get that!
  3. Looks sweet!! I should give this a try, and I'll let you know how I go.
  4. Name: Rhys Age: 17 Fabrication status : Apprentice mechanic, 1 month in Where Do You Work: Malaga Auto Repairs
  5. Um, isnt that the O2 sensor? If it is, you do kinda need that!! And the GTS-T and GT-R cats are completely different, the GT-R cat is the best you can get, better than most aftermarket cats, which is why they are so expensive. If you find one, buy it!! Can you extend the wires by cutting them and soldering a new section to them? Make sure the solder is of decent quality and covered. Otherwise, gut the cat and weld a pipe through the centre. I would never do it, but you might get an extra 3kw!
  6. You'll get that alot. People will try to modify their cars, but have no idea what they are doing. For example, they think all rubber hosing can be used for fuel... At work we had a Mustang come in, and the owner had blocked off the heater core with a Sidcrome 75mm 1/2 in extention bar. And a Holden WB Stateman has a vaccume line leak fixed with a nail. WTF? Try to think out all your modifications, and do them with a little common sense. It may just save ur life!!
  7. This is Australia, it is ALWAYS above 28*C!! At least it is over here in sunny Perth!
  8. Otherwise Auto elec? Miracle workers those guys, I'm useless with electronics!
  9. YAY!! There you go. It doesn't look like much, but it will definately scrape when lowered with a body kit. So, I could come out sidewards, that might help a bit. Or park on the street, but I don't want that!! I won't even park in the private carpark at work, someone might scratch it!! I park out the back now, next to a written off VL Commodore. Makes my car look so much better!
  10. Ok then, it wont let me. Bugger! Stupid thing, won't let me post pictures. The picture is http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/gallery-image65980.html
  11. Yeh, that is very bad!! Mine isn't a square like that, but it is still steep. More like a crazy triangle. and it's the same all along my side of the street, but the otherside is fine. Kinda weird, here is a photo of it. It looks decieving, but that may be because I am so used to it, only curb I've had!
  12. Hey guys, I have two holes in my dash atm. One is where the immobolisor light once was, and the other is where another switch is. The bracket that held the immoboliser in place fell out and I lost it when I took the dash out, so the LED hanging out on a wire looks hideous. I could get a new clip, but I'd prefer to smooth the whole hing out a bit more. The other switch controls the brightness of the Speedo and Tacho gauges, but looks really ugly. Its on the left of the steering column. I want to push it into the dash and if I need to adjust it I'll just pull the dash off and change it. I only have it on the brightest setting, so it isn't neccesary. Does anyone else have this? Anyway, is there a way to fill the holes left from these two items? I also want to smooth over my coin tray in the centre console and put switches for different things these. If I have any coins, I'll put them in my walet!! Rhys
  13. Might not be helpful, but if you bought me a TRUST front bar and paid for all transport, you can have mine for free. But this probs not possible. Have you tried Nissan?
  14. Not stolen, boosted! And ouch, that must have been a hard blow
  15. Rebadged maybe? Most products these days are. Not much difference between top and and bottom end spark plugs! Except for the price
  16. I was wondering what was making that sound, thought it had something to do with the air con, but didnt know why it would only do it sometimes. I'll check it out on the weekend and let you know what happens!
  17. Yeah, i'm trying to find my boot sensor as well. We thought there wasnt one, so Dad put me in the boot and shut it to make sure. Thankfully he came back and got me... But it doesn't turn off until the boot is completely sealed. The boot lid doesnt affect the door open light, I just checked it then. Cant be the boot
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