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Everything posted by hamiltonau

  1. couple more pics here on fbook http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=276067&id=511696536 feel free to add me, no qualms there.
  2. Well then mate...bring it on! your writing is sparse but punchy and to the point unlike a lot of the rambling, typo ridden meandering in here (including mine). A highlights reel every week or so would be juicy stuff and yeah no specifics for reasons mentioned. Just looked up at your avatar and realised your location is written right there underneath it. All my blathering on about that for nothing, sigh i feel silly.. Still its a big area and there must be a bunch of you guys running around it keepin the peace. Is Ashmont still as dodgy as i remember? i went to the high school 'on the hill' which was a pretty bland but nerve wracking experience at the same time. ok million more questions but yeah, ear bending time will occur indeed if you dare to show up at the social this month
  3. yeah thats what the cops told us, still think its silly and a simple 'this will not guarantee u wont be found 'over' if pulled up as soon as u leave the station. as soon as your out of their site their liablity should automatically disappear as you could hit the bottle then etc, just commonsense but too much ass covering going on for sense to be anywhere near common. dont get me started on speed limits.. but otherwise' yup drunks should be busted and key thrown away re licence/
  4. and i was just saying iron chef had a cooler more informative website than others i saw if less cars available for browsing though obviously he will find whatever u like given a clue
  5. yeah loud horns would be great, mine stopped working and i was surprised how much i had taken them for granted up to that point. Not that im on them all the time but certainly once or twice a week when some plonker cuts me off with mms to spare or pulls out in front of me from a car space, or wanders onto the road looking the other way or...i digress. anyway got new ones put in and asked for the max, as he was a bit of a by the book type he said he just put two in and cranked them up to just on the legally allowable volume. Still pretty loud but not train horn loud oh and mayuri, J-spec is selling a delorean right now for 20k..so only one way to test your assertion the 33 is faster..credit card out!
  6. whats a bowen therapist? anyway all good points and no its not fair, even i have to do a first aid cert and i just work on trains! will have to text u or something re the test, could be fun.
  7. as long as he stays anonymous and doesnt go into specifics it should be ok if a little frowned upon by unknowing higher ups. someone at the SAU trackday yesterday mentioned where his LAC was and i think i asked for it earlier in this thread but on reflection realised that would be a big faux pas to put it in here. It just sort of struck me as it was somewhere i grew up and i didnt realise there was a skyline community there, big ups to RB25 for representing! oh and re the warning thing, not even if someone knew a cop who had access to the database or does that break rules to even look up a plate number? just like your not allowed to walk into a station and get your breath tested which i always thought was bizarre.
  8. no indeed we cant. cant believe they had a rotary running in an evo. bizarre but clearly effective. my silver R33 was about middle of the pack in my session, some great times and hungry for the next track day, sim cost to SAUs?
  9. yeah thanks people it was ace, no injuries to my pride other than a flat spotted tyre and the odd backwards moment into the dirt. i wish some other people (Eric) could say the same..poor bugger, keep us posted on devs and if you end up getting any kind of recompense from the offender. managed a personal best of 1.15.8 so pretty chuffed with that though i know theres lots mores in it! bring on the next track day ASAP! pics etc up after i pass out..
  10. hey count yourself lucky your not banned, i didnt get no warning last time. can see points for both sides re your flaming of a certain importer but im in principle for a fair and free exchange of ideas so even potentially wrong and scurrilous claims such as yours would either stand or fall depending on the judgement of your peers. the excising of it all seems a little random and PC for a forum that otherwise seems quite robust. anyway off to drive to Goulburn now to enjoy a track day, should put things in perspective..
  11. um Im afraid this is going to be a long journey, this is why im studying an Arts degree not IT... so how do you turn quotes on and off? cant see it in the buttons that can be clicked just above the speech bubble. sniff. or is the opening quote bracket turning it on and the slashy thing post text turning it off? and its not in wasteland eps though boobs would probably get it moved there, im also backing away slowly from that direction (as much as i love boobs ive already been banned once for nipples being visible in one post...i like to learn the hard way). another try.. sigh..wait..what? wow i did it! YAAAYAYAY f**king YIPEE KI AAYE MOTHERf**kER!! (loud panting) breathe in..breathe out. all i had to freaking do was hit the insert button and type in between the damn things.
  12. Terry, cant believe i forgot rotating number plates! nice one. fair enough Mayuri but this is more about fantasy gadgets than technology that is currently weighing down your mums camry, cmon theres gotta be some crazy thing you wish you could blink into existence.. oh and simpletool...where do u live? i simply must see this famous mouth and if possible experience it
  13. @chris rogers, how did u make my quote bits all nice and blue? much nicer than my version where its just some quotation marks..anyway cheers again, looks like its gonna take patience whether i try and import one asap or wait until the debt isnt as astronomical. There is a lot to be said for anticipation but daaamn.. @iron chef you still got this one ? http://www.ironchefi...d=417&Itemid=30 such a pity its a track car only, absolutely gorgeous oh and btw your site is much nicer than J-specs though they seem to have a lot more featured cars. been lazy or fussy? i like how your make a comment on each car whereas other sites just provide specs. jspec has some freaky cars too, ie. jeremy clarksons actual Gallardo and the Delorean from back to the future for 30k, nice. @Maclaren so did you end up with the sweet ride that is an R34 in the end or happy with the V35? i know all about maintainence costs, the R33 is constantly needing upkeep and people keep telling me it now needs a respray but then i realised i dont love it enough to go that far. if im going to be forking out for 'living' costs it might as well be on something i love. good to know theres plenty still out there and looks like the dollar is going to be high for a while yet..
  14. once again thanks guys and yes i guess i was pulling a 'you' and thinking out loud, who needs to blog or keep a rambling stream of word spaghetti diary when you have SAU! as for the 18% on a 2k tv, thats why i pay off the harvey norman stuff in time, no way im going to pay 30% interest, even i have my limits.. The most i pay is on my anz card which is up to about 22k now and charges 19% interest..now that i see that in black and white it does sober me up a little more re the GTR but if our dollar goes back to 70cents will getting one soonish offset that a little? Also how long are there going to be 2nd hand R34s floating around the japanese markets? I know it costs a lot to keep old cars over there and coming up on ten years for some of them the pool could dry up? ok enough rambling for now, im glad I finally posted something which raised a smile. well done re the avoiding plastic by the way eps, if i could turn back time a coupla years i would probably do the same, but once your on the slippery slope..
  15. which guy? anyway what is so good about "BMW's valvetronic technology" not being a smart arse, genuinely curious as no idea how it works. as for a steering wheel that pleasures you while you drive..wow. Government would probably regulate it to only work when the car is stationary lest people start careening off the road 6 minutes into their commute..
  16. re "get your life in order first." and similar comments about my worrying situation, your absolutely right and in your shoes I would shake my head just as resoundingly. however i never claimed it to be a smart or economically viable decision, it is purely one of the heart and completely impulse though i have always loved GTRs..just not sure i can wait the ten or so years it would take me to save up the cash. I know if i saved 'properly' i could probably do it sooner but i am one of those people who if the money is in the bank it gets spent so the only way i will end up with nice things is through credit. Thankfully big ticket electronic items can usually be bought on interest free terms through buyers edge/harvey norman and spread out over time, my own skyline only cost 10k and about 6 more k on cards in mods the rest of the card debt is through constant holidaying, sales at westfield, girlfriends and a startling inability to cook. Tried the bank option last year and they werent too keen, at least at ANZ, might try another such as a flexi loan, i do like how you can..
  17. so does this HODT and MMPI test cost much? where would i get it done over here? would be fun to do if it wasnt some crazy large amount of money. ive only been to court for traffic matters but if its anything like that, no cant imagine it would be much fun!!
  18. yeah was in a ten yr old mood, blame lack of sleep and being retarded. well off to cry myself to sleep now. i wish i was being sarcastic..
  19. you mean adaptive cruise control or cup holders? both are pretty american but i would much prefer useful cupholders...mmm an icy cold easyway cup all the way home,..
  20. common typo when people want to type PORN has now almost superseded the original term for usage and he is right, your car looks the bidniz
  21. " Shit, I'd dance and make noises and flashy lights for someone if they threw $50 notes at me." bwa haha thanks for the mental image, scary but intruiging at the same time.. put out a hat and try it in kings cross on a friday night, you might be surprised with what ends up in the hat.
  22. heres what some american D-bags rate as the ten best features a new car should have..i think SAU members could come up with a better list though.. http://www.cars.com/go/advice/Story.jsp?section=top&story=car-talk-car-features&subject=more mine would be ' 1 mini gun mounted to front bar, using ultra light space age materials so as not to throw off the balance on track days but still powerful enough to take car of pesky lane hoggers.. 2 cup holder that keeps drinks chilled, seen can sized ones in a friends Hyundai i30 so surely we can get large maccas coke sized ones that arent ridiculously shallow and in my centre console so i cant change gears if a drinks in it ala my R33 3 a radar/laser jammer that actually works and isnt ten gazillion dollars 4 wings for those pesky mornings on the M4, just find an open lane and soar into the clouds baby..good luck with the landing though.. 5 inflatable all round bumpers for when the GF is driving or even just parking 6. 15 inch subs that can be heard ten blocks away but weight about ten grams.. 7 a trunk monkey and for anyone thats confused by that elegant demand.. 8 an iphone app that tells you where the car is when u lose it somehow..in fact i think this exists. 9 semi slicks that last FOREVER 10 and last but not least...some kind of hydraulic jack that lets you park it ten feet off the ground but with a footprint of just half a metre? hey gimme a break its a long list ok!
  23. can you explain it (2nd paragraph) to us then? i dont geddit im thinking he means dont be flippant when dissing small business owners who rely on forums like this for good word of mouth? but it was a bit convoluted.. yes i know random blow in..but my 2 cents. anyway do the import brokers provide finance or connect you to finance brokers? want..no need a skyline GTR34 after going on an SAU cruise recently and falling in love multiple times. problem is owe 60k in credit cards, heard some of the car yard people will still help me out with as long as i have lots of payslips and its secured against the car? dont want to wait, know the interest will be high but bringing in 80k annually so it should be do-able..theoretically..?
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