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All You Can Carry Parts!


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Turns out there is a Victorian Nissan/toyota wrecker offering all you can carry parts this weekend for $60. Bargain! Unfortunately for me the L series stuff is a little thin on the ground, its mostly R series stuff. I am slowly doing up my C210 on a really stingy budget, so this is a good opportunity for fellow povs. Any suggestions for what to hunt for? Apparently they have an L series head, but don't know from which model. Are there tell-tale signs to look for, as I hear the L24 head in my C210 is the least awesome of all.


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Actually havent been down there yet, but am going tomorrow. I gave them a call however, and I can confidently say that he doesnt have any whole C210s... Just randomn bits and pieces. Mostly he has more modern gear, but I am pretty sure that I will find at least 1 armful of stuff worth $60. Maybe a complete R30 rear end for a cheap and cheerful disk brake conversion... maybe just handy spares like starter motor, alturnator, trim, lenses, cables... Ill see when I get there. My shopping list was too large to go over it all on the phone with the guy. Happy shopping!

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Its to late to call them now, but im after R32 GTR (not gts4) inner CV joint and driveshaft - both drivers side

When you are there - if he has r32 parts - could you by any chance pick these up for me? And of course ill pay for it

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Nisstoy was a bit of a washout - very little for my C210 and absolutely nothing for an R32. Mostly Pulsar, Corolla and Hyundai non-perfromance stuff. The manager steve is an old-school Skyline enthusiast however, with a large personal collection of cars and parts.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Steve,

You may already know this but if you are still in the market for parts there is a wrecked R32 on ebay for $1,000. Lots of good bits! Its under Cars - Nissan - skyline. 6 days left.

Happy shopping.


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