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Kids In Carparks

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I totally agree with watching for kids in carparks!

I always check very carfully to see if there are any kids around, once i spot them...........

Wait for it..............

this is good............

It's simply just a matter of lining them up and flooring it! :mrt:

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This makes me a sad panda.

Sorry mate, there was nothing else I could do.... cept laugh of course :D

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I almost ran over a puppy who thought it'd be smart to play chicken with my car the other day... stood in the middle of the road and refused to budge; ended up reversing and going the other way (only enough space for one car)

Does that count?

Personally, with some of the kids floating around these days - my sympathy would be towards the animal rather than the kids.

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I almost ran over a puppy who thought it'd be smart to play chicken with my car the other day... stood in the middle of the road and refused to budge; ended up reversing and going the other way (only enough space for one car)

on ashley drive this arvo there was a great big black dog just pottering around the road... wouldnt left a mad dent in someones car, he decided to cross the road in front of the car going to other way to me. shouldve seen the fellas face :angry:

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Need to watch for people who don't know how to use crossings either, People who think its okay to stop 10m's infront of the crossings yet still cross.

Had this happen to me today, and when i didnt stop the car and kept crawling up the guy cried like a little girl.


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shell wouldnt do that!!
normally i wouldnt :) ... but god i really wanted to smack her, stupid physco freak :/

she ran off really quickly into the mall, so I couldnt do much but keep driving out of the carpark... i was so angry and upset.

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Well... ignoring the Sophie Delezio story, which hopefully will raise the debate about incapable, retarded drivers who shouldn't be on the road (anyone up for some mandatory license re-testing of all drivers?)

About ten years ago I has just driven past Belconnen Mall towards the lake, and there was a line of traffic in the right hand lane waiting to turn onto Emu Bank. And there's this little old lady (LOL) walking towards the road... My lane had no traffic, and you have your own lane turning left, so I'm not slowing down... and as the LOL reaches the road... she just walks straight out without even looking. And the funniest thing happened - I've done a complete lockup @ ~50kph, and she just does this little jump and keeps walking - not ONCE did she ever turn her head. And then I collected her over the bonnet :).... (Only Kidding :/ I stopped just in time )

Edited by mjfawke
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Roads are built for cars and motorcylcles to travell on - ALL OTHERS BE WARE! your fair game it's natures Law. Flesh n bones is no match for 1000+kg's plus of rapidly moving metal.

Personally, I dont have the patience to be kind to Idiots ( I only slow down to perserve my car). and Yep I would feel extremely bad if I hit a child but theyre parent would be a bloodied pulp very soon afterwards.

Teach your children, take care of your children, watch your children/pets. If your old enuff to be out on your own take a carefull look when your crossing a road.

Increase the speed limits and reduce the stupid pedestrians!! When will society take responsibility for there own actions.

> end rant

Edited by Sinista32
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hmmmm where to start

well as i am the youngest of the act guys i think its my responsibility to look at it in the "teenager on his pushie" point of view. if i think i can make iton my bike, and wont get hit then ill go for it...had a few close calls, main one being crossing over louisa lawson (in chisholm) out of a side street and just cleared the car (which i didn't see)

all im saying is, there are kids/teenagers out there that are the same, will go for it if they think they can make it or what not, so be careful and dont always think they'll be carefull

as for kids in carparks, idiot parents is all ill say

and ps, the law is that a pedestrian on a road always has right of way...that being said, if ur in a carpark, ur in a car and they're walking lol....get my drift?

my 2 c's :ban:

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, main one being crossing over louisa lawson (in chisholm) out of a side street and just cleared the car (which i didn't see)

That was you!!!!

scared the shit outta me man! :ban:

:D jokes.

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I just love the 50kph speed limit introduction - what was the damned point? Sydney narrow roads - yes. Most Canberra roads - WTF?! Anyone who did 60kph on most of the narrow back suburban roads needed their heads read anyway... And where are the survey results showing how it stopped pedestrian deaths in Canberra?

And how about every time they upgrade a road or intersection, and REDUCE the speed limit (Oaks Estate turnoff near Queanbeyan the most recent retarded decision...). Uriarra road between Coppins Crossing and Cotter - why the 20kph speed drop???

I think the answer is that politicians can't drive to save their lives and assume that everyone else is a retarded git and treat them as such.

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