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S1 33GTR or S2 33GTR Vspec

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I'm torn by an offer posed to me recently.

I have a SII R33 GTR (Non V) with APEX coil overs, cusco oil catch, Apexi Pods and BOVs, Cat back exhaust, HD Clutch and braided brake lines. It's been damaged and repaired very well though camber settings are out as it must have been hit and there seem to be some wiring issues as I've been losing fuses. 66,000kms.

I've been offered a swap with a SI R33 GTR Vspec, totally stock, never damaged, even the boost restrictor in place. 33,000kms.

I may have to pay on road costs with a changeover.

I feel the stock car being in better condition and being a V would hold more value come resale time but not sure.

What would you guys be more inclined to buy, a SI stockie or a modded SII.

Opinions would be appreciated.

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i think u have the post title the other way around... shouldn't it be :

S1 R33 GTR Vspec vs S2 R33 GTR


do U have to pay more cash? or did THEY say they will pay more cash?

i would rather have a modded series 2... than a stock s1 vspec...


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Yeah, stuffed the title.

It's actually a dealer and the business owner knows the car and wants to use the bits as he races and owns many GTRs. I'm planning to negotiate a straight swap.

Reckon it's fair?

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Well I was planning to leave it stock as I have no plans to race it and I have to use it every day and often around the city and their high rise parking lots. I just wanted a nice quick road car but don't need to be the fastest thing on the road.

My current car bangs and crashes over bumps then hisses and backfires all down the road which is becoming tiring though sounds lovely. Hmmm...........showing my age now.

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Originally posted by Gumby

My current car bangs and crashes over bumps then hisses and backfires all down the road which is becoming tiring though sounds lovely.  Hmmm...........showing my age now.

hehe thats why i worked my assssss off at the age of 19 (while i lived with family so no living expense) and bought my gtr when i was 20... now i am 21 and have owned my gtr for almost a year (11.5 months) and still love the "banging and crashing over bumps then hissing and backfiring all down the road"... :)

seriously, i think its a very good deal if u r okay with a stock gtr... coz by no means a stock gtr is slow...

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i don't think its ultra-hard to maintain it (probably becoz i gave up ppl keying my car here and there :) but yeah, mechanically its all good...)

of course it is a little more expensive to maintain my gtr compared to my camry, but at the same time i get a little more attention in my gtr... :D

it is very very reliable, i cannot understand ppl thinking gtr would be just pain in the arse to drive in the traffic or whatever when they actually haven't even driven a gtr...

hope u make a wise decision ... either way its a GTR and what more can u want? hehe

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Yeah agreed, mine has a HD clutch and I sit in peak hour traffic on the odd occassion and it's still wonderfull to be behind the wheel, even when I'm going nowhere. They're not hard to drive at all. Reliability isn't an issue as I've spent nothing on it but oil and pads for the last year and a half.

I think I'll offer a straight swap and if they go for it I'll do it, and if not, then I still have a hard GTR. Can't really go too wrong eh.?

I was just thinking of resale value as I won't have it for ever, that's why I was keen on some idea of what people would prefer to buy come time to buy a GTR. I thought they'd rather buy a stockie and mod it themselves as the mods are known to be good and it indicates the prev. owner wasn't necessarily a road racer.

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Unless you're car is totally F**KED jsut keep it. How bad was the accident?

Cos also the mods on your car a relatively mild so its not a heavily modified car which would suit your purposes anyway.

My current car bangs and crashes over bumps then hisses and backfires all down the road which is becoming tiring though sounds lovely. Hmmm...........showing my age now.

Don't all skylines do this anyway hehehe

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Series 1 R33 GTR... So it would be a 1995 model car.

2003 - 1995 = 8

8 year old car, and you honestly think it's got 33,000 kms on the clock? I assume you know how easy it is to wind back the odometer, or replace it with another dash cluster. I wouldn't trust any kms showing from any import dealer... Odometer rewinding is RAMPANT, and near impossible to detect if done by someone experienced.

If you go ahead with the swap, may I suggest a timing belt swap ASAP?

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Not concerned 'bout the k's, but the 95 looks very original and untouched as opposed to my 96 which has had everything removed at one time or another.

Thought most would prefer a stock SI Vspec over a modded SII Non Vspec.

Thanks for the opinions guys.

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Thought most would prefer a stock SI Vspec over a modded SII Non Vspec.

If the condition of your car is in fact not very good then yes I would change. But in regards to Vpsec vs non Vspec I personally don't think theres a HUGE difference.... others will probably tell you differently...

The only major thing is the ATESSA ETS Pro I think instead of the standard atessa but unless you race often i doubt you'll feel the difference on the street. But if you want the Vpsec to have a "Vspec" cos its more rare then go for it.

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