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Whats An R31 Gt/rb25 Worth?


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its a white pillarless man(R33 box) with an lightly modded RBB25 in good nick,not engineered or rego.

im looking to swap this plus cash for my styagea,but i dont really want the R31 so im trying to work out a change over.any help would be great.

Edited by R33stagea
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its a white pillarless man(R33 box) with an lightly modded RBB25 in good nick,not engineered or rego.

im looking to swap this plus cash for my styagea,but i dont really want the R31 so im trying to work out a change over.any help would be great.

unrego'd and uncomplied they sell on the r31 site for between $5-$6000, its the unrego'd bit that lowers the price a fair bit, if you spend the $$ to get it rego'd and the condition its in you could get $9000+ for it..

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it all depends on weather your willing to wait, there are always people out there with money to throw around and will pay what ever it take to get what they want. my opinion is if you have the time to wait make a price that you wont go below, no matter what, and stick to it. it will take time but at the end of the day you will be happy and you would have got what you wanted. cheers shaun :sorcerer:

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4k un-engineered/rego'd is the max i would be forking out

Being its got a motor/box conversion... if the crossmember wasnt done properly it will fail an engineers in a second, it also will need brakes etc etc

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