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Bumper Repair


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Hi Guys,

Due to an unfortunate parking incident, my front bumper now has a little chip, small (about 10mm x 5mm) but quite obvious (pic attached). I have tried to repair it myself with touch up paint, but that didn't turn out too well, both because of the slight colour missmatch of the paint and my lack of patience. What's more, I managed to make it worse by using 800 grit sand paper around the damaged area, adding a few more scratches as well as taking away the shine.

Now, is there anything I can do to remedy the situation myself? Would a clear coat help? How much would it cost to have it repaired by a professional?


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Looks like u need to fill it a bit with something before painting. The colour match is good however.

For a chip to be fixed i reckon $50-$100... depends where it is i guess... is nothing compared to mine which split right thru at the bottom (currently wired and taped awaiting a proper repair!)

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