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Fm Convertor Not Working?


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Hi Guys,

Quick question... I will be trying to fault find this tomorrow but I thought I would ask for suggestions... I recently installed one of those 10Mhz FM Radio Convertors into our Stagea... I thought it was all working okies until today...

First I should point out the car is an automatic... the FM convertor work all the time when the car is in "park"... the problem is when you put the car in drive it still works until you put your foot on the accelerator then it turns off... although in park its fine.... I dont think its a short otherwise it shouldnt work at all... Its strange but its like there isnt enough power under load????

Suggestions??? :cool:

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Hi Guys,

Quick question... I will be trying to fault find this tomorrow but I thought I would ask for suggestions... I recently installed one of those 10Mhz FM Radio Convertors into our Stagea... I thought it was all working okies until today...

First I should point out the car is an automatic... the FM convertor work all the time when the car is in "park"... the problem is when you put the car in drive it still works until you put your foot on the accelerator then it turns off... although in park its fine.... I dont think its a short otherwise it shouldnt work at all... Its strange but its like there isnt enough power under load????

Suggestions??? :cool:

you have it tied to the wrong wire. tied it off the radio ACC feed.

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Thanks for the reply...

As far as I know shouldnt it be connected to the accessories wire??? That way it only powers the converter when the car is turned on??? How does that explain though why the converter only work when you are cruising??? :confused:

I think from memory it was the yellow with red trace wire that I connected it too...

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Thanks for the reply...

As far as I know shouldnt it be connected to the accessories wire??? That way it only powers the converter when the car is turned on??? How does that explain though why the converter only work when you are cruising??? :confused:

I think from memory it was the yellow with red trace wire that I connected it too...

doesnt soud right. you are using the radio plug correct?

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Problem solved... I reconnected the 12V source for the FM converter to another wire that supplies 12V when the accessories are turned on... All seems to work now... Still cant explain why it wasnt working before... but main thing is it works now :)

Cheers for the help...

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Still cant explain why it wasnt working before... but main thing is it works now :happy:

Cheers for the help...

hahahaha :huh: thanks for doing it for me MrGTST..i have a working radio now :laugh: i can explain why it wasnt working..its called a label that said 'speed wire..thats why it didnt work' :(:laugh: oh well i couldnt have done it myself..so im just glad i have a working radio :mad:

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