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Heathcote 1/6/2003 :P

Guest RedLineGTR

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Ok, I have read all of what you had to say, and ignoring the wanker contingent, I understand that some of you are pissed off - and possibly rightly so.

I have explained why things happened, so I won't re-itterate that here again.

We all do this because we want the best out of our cars. Some of you probably have no idea just what it takes to get a car, especially a 4WD car, to get into the 9's.

It is hard work - very hard - for all concerned. I admit, I was pissed off - if we had the track for ourselves, we would have had the driers out and stuff, but I made the call earlier (only later to realise that the rain was moving in again) but I stuck by my word and told the guys we would limit ourselves to a single run per hour - to give everyone else a chance.

I thought I was reasonable on this - maybe from someone else's perspective it doesn't seem that way. The point was I heard "some Skylines club" (that's all I was told, I didn't know it was SAU) was coming down, so I thought it would be slack of me to say no to them.

The big guy (Big Jim) was upset because someone earlier in the day had gone in, been all nice, asked to take photos, I said it was OK with me, as long as he didn't take photos of the drivers side of the engine bay. He said "no worries". He then proceeded, when we walked away, to stick his camera into the engine bay, under the plenum, to get a shot of the coolant lines... then ran off.

We chased and caught him - and I still have the pricks camera. He was lucky he was left intact. Big Jim, who took it hard that he had let the team down by allowing the guy through, was upset with himself and wouldn't let anyone else in. That is why many people were asked to leave - I have no idea who the guy was, but we couldn't risk someone else trying the same ploy.

Some of you don't realise just what it cost to get the development of the car to this stage - I don't ever talk about the money aspect of it, it is just what it costs - but I can tell you that its not just about money spent, it is more about how the cooling system itself caused so many problems (not just technical, some Japanese companies are still not talking to each other - there is much to the story of its development) - that I had to promise them that no one would ever be able to copy it.

Some people couldn't respect that - and as a result, we stopped anyone else from coming in.

So try to look at it from our point of view: We sat by and watched other people race, when we should have been running - but I said we would not run more than once an hour, and we stuck to that - even when we heard rain was coming, we still sat there.

So, I feel sorry for those people who feel hard done by - you probably had no idea of what was going on, but we had reasons for doing things the way that we did.

On the trip back we decided we will fabricate some form of carbon shield that covers the "no go" areas on the car, so we can leave it out for people to take whatever shots they want - but we didn't want to do this earlier as we never expected there to be other people there on either day.

I hope at least some of you can understand where we are coming from now.

That's all I'll say about this subject.


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I'll be the first ?

Thanks mario.

That's a lot better and gives us more of a background as to what was going on, and even though things maybe should have been different/nicer/whatever.

Both sides have now said their pieces and after that i think the issue should now be put down by all.

cheers boyz.


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im not gonna bother reading whats been said!

blahh silly males

bitch more than chicks


anyways mario.. saw ur car advertised as appearing in MAS

looking forard too seeing it there!!

u were invited to spend the day with paul walker crusin in the liners.. yeah?? im sure it was you that i as reading about in the magazine who was giving paul a few bits of info and tips.. :)

did u get his number by anychance!!!!!

lols :)

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Originally posted by MzDfectd

im not gonna bother reading whats been said!

anyways mario.. saw ur car advertised as appearing in MAS  

looking forard too seeing it there!!

u were invited to spend the day with paul walker crusin in the liners..  yeah?? im sure it was you that i as reading about in the magazine who was giving paul a few bits of info and tips.. :)

did u get his number by anychance!!!!!

lols :)

Yes, the car will be at MAS.

I do have Paul Walker's phone number and his home address - I'm also going over there in 3 weeks. :(


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I have no interest in this guys car or what ever he decides to do with his money.......Also my veiw may not be important but here it is........Mr Mario If you wish to remain secretive about your car...Why have a site on which you spruke about your car,then dont let anyone have a look at the fkn thing?I am sure a lot of money has been invested into this car....its something that you dont see back home in aust but you can rest assured that youd be nothing out of the ordinary here....Although theres far more impressive cars here yours is quite unique in aust.Also good luck

acheiving whatever is your goal...but if you dont want the attention...you shouldnt have asked for it... i am sure theres 2 sides to the story and guys unless your in marios position you prob wont understand his side.........

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man i didnt realise any of this happend... i dont blame u for being so protective of it mario i would be too!

wish i could have been there to see it run tho that would have been awesome. Look forward to seeing it at MAS and GOOD LUCK!

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errr i woke up looked out at the rain..

went back to bed

funniest thing is kylie calling me 8am saying she as chasing denham on the freeway but as orried to go closer cause his mrs might of been in the car


and she actually was!

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Originally posted by MzDfectd

errr i woke up looked out at the rain..

went back to bed

funniest thing is kylie calling me 8am saying she as chasing denham on the freeway but as orried to go closer cause his mrs might of been in the car


and she actually was!

And there was all this talk that Denham was going to be the no-show....... :) :shake:

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Originally posted by R31Nismoid

Probably cause it dodn't involve MAS..

EVEN you turned up Denham  :)

poor form

if it werent for me pushing ur lazy slack asses in line. SAU ouldnt be represented at mas

as usual it takes the work and dedication of a woman!:shake:

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Originally posted by R31Nismoid

And there was all this talk that Denham was going to be the no-show.......   :)      :shake:

yeah i showed up amber :shake: u cop out, and tha rain excuse is bs!

kylies car is just to slow to keep up with me!! haha

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ok... at least now ther is a legitimate reason for the things that happened... i feel better now :)

but yer dont think ill go to heathcote again coz of the drive and possibility of rain,,, at least not until summer :)

calder is this friday btw peoples./...

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i wanted to go to calder this friday but i have to journey to the land where cousins are sister and brother and ur mum is ur uncle bob... damn taswegian weddings

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