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Defects On The Rise


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prolly was blinded by the silver in your front bar :domokun: and thought why woulda volvo have a front mount

by the way one of your driving lights isnt working

Edited by Madaz
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well stay out of regency area because there has been complaints on people drifting around so cops are out there pulling any performance cars over! and i always see a marked cop car in the bp just across!

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care to elaborate to me what you are talking about?

Steve also, 50 a year... I agree with you the cops shouldnt have a quota to meet, its just ridiculous that they actually are REQUIRED to hand out a fine no matter what. I believe that there shouldnt be any quota at all. This forces them to target the red stovetops. The most recognizeable lights, this is why we are burdened.

There is no quota.

Police are human and it usually comes down to behaviour, and to all those who complain about being picked on, just remember prisons are full of 'innocent' people too...

If you want attention, you will invariably get it, but don't complain when you get it from those you don't want it from, ie Police.

To those who are genuinely victimised, I know how you feel as I have copped it plenty myself over the years however stop hiding behind your keyboards and wake up to the fact that Police deal with things the rest of us will never (and would never care to) see. If you think so poorly of them, don't call when you are getting carjacked or have your car stolen.

End of rant. Let the flaming begin.

PS. There is no quota. Like anything. There are productive workers and less so...

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yeah gotta be very careful these days ive been done twice in 6 months.

last one was last week at regency right at the front.got me for tyres

and a stone chip in the window lucky it was copshop.

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They can only defect you if the stone chip is on the driver side half of the windscreen. if it is on the passanger side half of the windscreen it is not defectable because it doesn't hamper the drivers vision. I had a cop pull me over cos I wasn't speeding while he was using the laser gun while I was in my ford Laser which has a massive crack in the windscreen on the passenger side and he didn't say anything after inspecting my car and that was a real piece of junk. A guy I knew once had a cop try and defect him for something similar and he checked up on the rules and complained at the station and they tore up the defect notice.

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A guy I knew once had a cop try and defect him for something similar and he checked up on the rules and complained at the station and they tore up the defect notice.

bet he didnt drive a skyline

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End of the day some cops are nice some are just cops, and the ones that are cops il complain about. I know some of the local cops and they even say that most will go for imports and p platers to defect.

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They can only defect you if the stone chip is on the driver side half of the windscreen. if it is on the passanger side half of the windscreen it is not defectable because it doesn't hamper the drivers vision. I had a cop pull me over cos I wasn't speeding while he was using the laser gun while I was in my ford Laser which has a massive crack in the windscreen on the passenger side and he didn't say anything after inspecting my car and that was a real piece of junk. A guy I knew once had a cop try and defect him for something similar and he checked up on the rules and complained at the station and they tore up the defect notice.

yeah it was all good i changed the tyres and left the window and he still passed me haha

and yeah it was on the drivers side

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Those individuals would still be crashing no matter what car they drive.

The reason we tend to get harassed is because we own a performance car so we 'must' be hoons because why would we own a car with a bit of balls if we weren't to use it?

Exactly the same goes for Motor bikes... Look at the bike riders 90% of them are god damn hoons.

Performance cars attract hoons as do performance bikes attract hoons.

Sure not all are hoons; some refrain them selves until the local mallala practice day but MOST do not.

For those that are sensible long gone are the days where you were able to enjoy a little squirt up to the speed limit; now its considered unnecessary, illegal and will cost you your license.

Drive up anzac dragway one friday or saturday night and just watch the groups of bikes ride through dragging other bikes, cars, popping wheel stands etc..

The problem is those 'real' hoons and so called street racers are never not going to stop regardless of laws; all these stupid laws have done is stopped the sensible average joe enjoying a little safe squirt up to the speedlimit in the right place at the right time of which I'm sure you can relate to owning a performance bike Kralster.

Well didn't I go off track lmao. BUT its what it boils down to.


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I'm also going to say that how the cop treats you has a lot to do with how you treat him/her.

I got pulled over a couple of days ago in my 32 for taking off a bit fast from the lights, not real fast, didn't break traction or anything and then stopped at 60 (probably went a little over, maybe 5km/h or so). Anyway, guy pulled me over, asked for my licence and to pop my bonnet, and having read this thread before, I thought I was screwed. Guy checked my tyres and a good long long under the bonnet (thankfully didn't spot a couple of things that shouldn't be there, even though they were very obvious...) and then asked me "where do you do your fast driving?", I replied "Mallala", a slight pause and then he said "OK, just keep it there" and left. :sleep:

I was very polite and co-operative with him and I'd like to think he returned the favour.

But then again, if you get a cop that's just had a bad day or something, there's not much else you can do...

Edited by salad
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very true salad

also sometimes it might be a test they start off bad to see if you will bite and go narky and when you do wham'o, but if you remain calm answer all questions and show them everything they want you may find your self getting through of even if they still defect you they might not write you up for everything

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