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Help Keyfob Not Unlocking

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Hi there I bought a 2003 MT6 350GT Sedan on Friday and have been having a problem with the keyfob not unlocking the doors.

The car locks with the keyfob but will not unlock. To get into the car I have to insert the key into the door lock, unlock the doors manualy and then I have to use the keyfob to unarm the alarm before opening the doors.

The alarm is appears to be a factory alarm it has an immobiliser tag which has Nissan on it (see pic)

I saw some advise on 35driver.com which outlines instructions on how to reset the keyfob.I followed these and while I was still inside the keyfob locked AND unlocked while but once I opened the door and got out of the car it no longer worked!!!

Any advise welcome.


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  • 6 months later...

door lock motor has died. also I would make the suggestion that you pull the OE (dealer fitted ) alarm out before it strands you. if the remote keys die you are stuffed.

they are $200USD for the motor and catch assembly. its a major pain to get out. one thing I did note was the G35 used a different system the the V35 in regard to remote entry. the G35 appeared to have a separate remote where the V35 is built into the key.

food for thought.

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door lock motor has died. also I would make the suggestion that you pull the OE (dealer fitted ) alarm out before it strands you. if the remote keys die you are stuffed.

they are $200USD for the motor and catch assembly. its a major pain to get out. one thing I did note was the G35 used a different system the the V35 in regard to remote entry. the G35 appeared to have a separate remote where the V35 is built into the key.

food for thought.

Chris (or anyone),

Do you happen to have correct nissan Part #'s for the CPV35 door lock actuators (motors). I have had great service from 'J's export garage' and think i could get them through them if I knew the right part numbers....

Sad/Funny story.....Right now I have a piece of string tied to the lock inside the car which I pull through the boot (remote boot access still works!) to unlock the door! Before you suggest using the key - The Japanese owner for some reason changed the lock assembly for a high security carbonite? lock - (real skinny key) - which I did,nt get with the import! arghhhhhh...

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I've heard from Riverside Infiniti (only took a few days). They want $US350 inc shipping to NZ. I am tempted to go with that but I have a nagging doubt that the Infiniti part may be slightly different than the Skyline unit...can anyone reassure me they are the same?

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thats better. about what I paid for one side($195USD). same parts differnet badge. both are nissan.

I'm seeing these cars with the G35 badge on them occasionally and more of them with the full swap lately,

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